{Ask Away Friday} NJ from @ACookieB4Dinner

Greetings from Chiberia!  I’m so ready for this freezing weather to just go away!  I guess it’s not so bad when you’ve got A&Z and Coconut to cuddle with and stay warm indoors…Now for another episode of Ask Away Friday!


For this week’s Ask Away Friday, I exchanged questions with the lovely NJ who blogs over at A Cookie Before Dinner.  (I love her blog name!) We actually met as I jumped in on the Ask Away Friday series.  When we decided to swap questions over Twitter and she responded, “It’s on like Donkey Kong!” at which point I knew we would be great friends for a long, long time.  She is a mom of 2 who has great advice on things like cloth diapering and children’s music.  I love reading  about her interactions with her son Malone because they are hilarious, like when she gave him a warhead for breakfast.

Ask Away Friday is hosted by Penney at the Real Housewives of Caroline County and Amber from Bold Fab Mom.  Check ’em out and find out who else is playing along this week!

Here’s what NJ asked me:

1. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?

My husband came back from the Philippines this week!  He was gone for a few weeks and it was HARD being a single-mom.  I’m so relieved that he made it back in one piece.

2. Share the post that gives you the most traffic. Why do you think that one is successful?

Ooh I had to dig into Google Analytics for this one and the winner of the post with the most page views was the Ultimate Bloggers’ Christmas Wish List 2013:

blogger christmas wish list 2013, gift ideas for bloggers, gift ideas for moms

I think it had the most traffic because I pimped out this post anywhere I could – on blog hops and all over my social media handles.  It had something for everyone – for moms, fashionistas, craft/DIY’ers, photographers, and foodies – so I guess that’s what made it easily likable and sharable, even for non-bloggers.

3. What is the #1 things your kids fight about?

They fight over my attention and affection.  Who gets to sit next to me, who gets to kiss/hug me first, who gets to talk to me.  You can’t really tell from these pictures, but I’m pretty popular around here!

Gracielle with A&Z 2

Gracielle with A&Z

4. What is the hardest part about getting older?

I think I’m actually embracing my own aging pretty well.  I’m feeling more confident an comfortable with myself with each year.  It’s watching others around me get older that is hard for me to grasp.  For example, my younger cousins are now in their early 20s.  When did that happen?  In my head, they are still little kids who watch Power Rangers and Barney.  But when I see them a family parties, they are drinking wine and beer and talking about finding a job after college or talking about DJ’ing at local night clubs.  What?  Shut up.  They were supposed to stay little and sweet forever and all of a sudden they grew up.  Not fair.

Seeing them get older puts things into perspective for me and makes me feel really old.  It also serves as a reminder that day A&Z won’t be sweet little kids forever and will grow up eventually.  Then I’ll feel really old.

5. Share a photo from your wedding day and tell me your favorite memory of that day!

Just ONE favorite memory? That’s so hard!  I documented 20 of my favorite wedding memories and created a photo book of it.  But if I had to pick just one, it would be #9 – when we were introduced to our family and friends as newlyweds at the beginning of the reception.  If you want to see all 20 favorite moments and more pics you can read about it here.

Welcome to the Good Life!

6. Quick! Your house is about to catch on fire in 10 minutes. The kids, pets, photographs and your husband are outside and safe. What else are you grabbing?

I really don’t have anything physical items of value, so as long as I have my family, Coconut, and photos, then everything else can easily be replaced.  After all, it’s just stuff.  Plus I have insurance.

7. What advice would you give to someone who is just starting a blog?

Write about what you love and stay true to yourself.  Allow yourself to be inspired by other bloggers, but don’t compare.  Join a community like the SITS Girls and make some friends.  Engagement is key.  Most importantly, HAVE FUN!

8. Is A excited about starting school? How are you feeling about it?

She started last week and she was thrilled!  She already has one (1) friend.  I’m sure there’s more, but she only talks about one girl named Nicole who has yellow hair.

Me? I didn’t have time to soak it all in during her first day of school because Zavier threw a monster tantrum at home and continued on through meeting her teacher and dropping her off.  Otherwise, I’m really excited for her and amazed at how independent she has become in just these past 2 weeks!

9. Cubs or White Sox? I grew up in Northern IL and I am a Cubs fan by birth!

Go Cubbies!  I don’t follow baseball all that much, but between the two cross-town rivals I root for the Cubs!

10. If a friend from out of town comes to visit you, would you rather show them all of the “sights” of Chicago or take them off of the beaten path? And a follow up- what is your favorite Chicago landmark?

I would show them all of the sights!  I love being a tourist in Chicago even if I’ve lived in the Chicagoland area almost my entire life.  It’s such a beautiful city!!  We would go on an architectural boat tour, or grab some cupcakes at Molly’s.  Just recently, my sister came over to visit and we did a stay-cation in downtown Chicago.  We ate at Eataly, window shopped on Michigan Avenue, and took pictures at Millennium (OMG, thank you spell check!) Park next to my favorite Chicago landmark, “The Bean.”


Thanks for these awesome questions, NJ!  I had so much fun swapping questions with you this week.  I asked her what “NJ” stand for and what she misses most about living in the Midwest.  Check out here answers here.

xoxo // gracielle.


  1. Sigh. I love Chicago. Show me the sights! I went once in winter and I thought I might flash freeze to death. I went in the fall next and it was glorious!
    Glad A is liking school! And I always feel awkward and unpopular but come to think of it, Des totally gets jealous when Scarlet sits on my lap. He tries to shove her off!
    And I have a cousin starting college and I remember when she was born!
    Tamara recently posted…Do I Even Need An Introduction?My Profile

    • Chicago is beautiful in the fall. Winter is brutal! Sometimes, it gets so cold and I bundle up everything to the point where I’m like a ninja and only my eyes are showing…but then I still feel like my eyeballs are going to freeze! My youngest “little” cousin just turned 21 this week. They grew up really fast!

  2. Your children are adorable, Gracielle! I know I’ve told you that before, but I just had to one more time! LOL I thought St. Louis was cold enough, I can’t even imagine Chicago this time of year…brrr!!
    Jennifer McCullough recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday: Week 4My Profile

    • Thanks, Jennifer! I think the entire midwest has had a rough winter. I’m so over it! Since you’re from St. Louis – are you going to bloggy boot camp? I’m thinking about it since it’s not too far away…but haven’t brought it up with the hubs yet.

  3. I am so glad that A is liking school! She’s been on my mind quite a bit these last few weeks!

    I know exactly what you mean about baby cousins growing up, My oldest baby cousin is turning 16 this summer and getting ready to drive. I’m all weepy like his mother sometimes.. “where did the time go..”

    I’ve been to Chicago a bunch of times, but I haven’t been since the Bean was installed. It looks like a really great place for some epic photography!

    I can’t believe we’re not insta friends. I’m off to follow you there ASAP! Thanks for swapping with me!
    NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner recently posted…Ask Away Friday With Mommy A-ZMy Profile

    • Thanks, NJ! I will follow you on instagram, too!! The bean is fun for taking pictures, but that’s about it. It doesn’t jump around or squirt out water or anything. LOL I would recommend for you to visit Eataly – OMG amazing food and wine experience! There’s one in NY, too, a little closer to your ‘hood!

  4. This is SO MUCH FUN!! First of all, MY GOD YOU WERE A BEAUTIFUL BRIDE! Wow!! Okay, now that I have that out of the way I have to say I desperately want you to take me around Chicago. I feel like we would have the best. time. ever!!. (and I would not have spelled Millennium correctly either. WHO KNEW about that extra n?) –Lisa

    • Thanks for the complement! I had to keep trying to type out “millennium” for spell check to even recognize that I was trying to spell that word. So bad! If cupcakes, sight seeing and FOOD are up your alley, then we would have a BLAST if you came to Chicago!!

  5. I love all your pictures!! And your wedding pic…so beautiful!! It is so cold here too, and I am done!! I’m just asking for one day of 30 degrees. That’s it. One day!!! The house fire…that’s all I’d take too. (Well I might take my computer if it was in reach, even though it could be replaced and most stuff is backed up) Anything else can be replaced. By the way, I enjoyed that post too! 🙂
    Michelle recently posted…The Mother of All Meltdowns Brought Us Together #AskAwayFridayMy Profile

  6. That first photo is ADORABLE. She is looking like “really…” My youngest always throws fits when she thinks my son is getting more attention. The single parenting gig is HARD, especially when you work. It’s my third year of mostly single parenting…and hopefully the last. I get anxiety in big cities (except NYC where I went to school. Weird, huh?) Maybe I just get anxiety in big unfamiliar cities. You do make Chicago look inviting, though!
    Herchel S recently posted…My bulletproof babyMy Profile

    • I’m so glad this single parenting thing is over for me and that my husband is back! Although, nothing really has changed. They are still pretty clingy to me and fight for my attention. It’s sweet, but overwhelming at times. Chicago is pretty awesome when it isn’t windy, cold and snowy!
      Gracielle recently posted…{Review} Influenster Jolly Vox BoxMy Profile

  7. I totally forgot you lived in Chicago, Gracielle. I love that city so much. So glad your husband is back. I can’t even imagine how stressful the past few weeks have been!! My kids fight over me ALL the time. I’m always telling my husband that it’s nice to feel loved and “popular” but sometimes it can get a little overwhelming!
    Shana Norris recently posted…Coffee Date Friday.My Profile

  8. as a new follower to your blog, i had no idea you live in chicago! sorry, i’m a little slow…and hadn’t read your ‘about’ page. now i’m all caught up. i went to the university of chicago for my mba. lived in hyde park my first year, then lincoln park (across from the zoo) for my second year. right above rj grunts. hopefully that’s still there! so sad i am missing my 10 year grad school reunion in may–that’s when i’m due.

    hope your hubby brought you back some goodies from the philippines!
    catherine gacad recently posted…San Francisco Ballet GalaMy Profile

  9. Hi Gracielle! I think I am on the same page as you when it comes to aging…I’m okay with it for myself but when I see my cousins that I used to babysit with kiddies of their own or doing ‘grown up’ stuff it really makes me think… “Am I really old enough for this to be happening?”
    Tiffany recently posted…No Walking Here…My Profile

    • YES! That’s exactly how I feel. I was referring to one of my cousins who I used to babysit. He was telling me about graduating and the competitive job market, but as he was saying it I was picturing him as 8 year old boy saying that “grown up” stuff to me (kind of like how they do that on TV). They grow up so fast!
      Gracielle recently posted…{Review} Influenster Jolly Vox BoxMy Profile

  10. I’ve never been to Chicago, but it’s definitely somewhere that I want to visit. I looks like a fun place to visit, I would be excited to visit the museums. I feel old just looking at my nephews and nieces, my oldest nephew is about to turn 16. I remember watching Dora with him, now I’m watching it with my own kids.
    Sonya recently posted…Crazy 8 $1.99 & Under SaleMy Profile

  11. I love your wedding picture!!! You are absolutely stunning!!
    Maybe Chicago would be a great place for a big bloggy meet-up!!
    Kim recently posted…Some Friday FavoritesMy Profile

  12. So I will be the BIG 3-0 this year but I am looking forward to it. I know many people say they are dreading it but I am fine with it. I love your wedding pictures…they are beautiful!

    I cant wait to get back to Chicago! We were there for a quick trip in November and I cant wait to come back!!
    Carissa recently posted…#AskAwayFriday with Sarah from Small Town Iowan…My Profile

  13. Love all your pictures! Your wedding picture looks amazing. One thing I regretted is not visiting Chicago before I left the States! It’s on my bucket list 😀
    Maureen@Scoops of Joy recently posted…New Ways To ThinkMy Profile

  14. Say, what do you mean it was 30 up there this morning! So not fair! LOL! It was only in the 20’s down here, only about 3 hours away! I am so super over this cold weather! I am ready for spring to come NOW! LOL! So glad she likes school, my lil miss did too, but only cuz she is super social and loves to be around others. Glad also that your hubby is home! And ooh Cupcakes at Molly’s, sounds wonderful, I will have to make it there the next time I make it up there! Have a great weekend, Gracielle!
    Stacey Gannett (This Momma’s Ramblings) recently posted…#AskAwayFriday 25 With Sonya from Saving Everyday With Sonya K!My Profile

  15. Staycations are the best! Sometimes we don’t appreciate what we have in our own home town. I love it when the kids fight for your attention. It’s the best!
    Carla recently posted…1/25/14: The SkinnyMy Profile

  16. I didn’t know you were in Chicago! I was there for work (travel) about 7 years ago (omg, it’s been 7 years?!?) and I loved it. Even got to sneak in some time at Lollapalooza. 😀
    Roaen recently posted…Favorite Things Friday | If Tim Burton Drew….My Profile

    • Chicago is my favorite city, although I admit I’m kind of biased. LOL I used to travel a lot for work and my other faves included London, Portland, and San Francisco.

  17. Chicago looks so fun! I would want you to take me on a tour, too! Aww! I hope my kids don’t fight for my attention! I am a stay at home wife and mom so they will be with me 24/7….maybe it will be Daddy’s attention they fight for? LOL I have no clue! I can definitely see what you mean about others getting older around you. I have cousins that around the same age as the ones you have and I remember them the say way. The last one is about to graduate from high school and even that is weird 🙂
    Brittnei recently posted…16GB Ipad Mini @GrowinUpMadison Birthday #GiveawayMy Profile

    • It’s kind of sweet when the kids fight for my attention, but at the same time it’s overwhelming! Sometimes I feel like there’s not enough of me to go around.

  18. I have never been to Chicago, but I would love to visit! There seem to be quite a few awesome bloggers in your town – I know who to ask for advice when I finally get there. I skipped to this post even though you’ve written a few more recently, because these AAF ones are great for getting to know you – and your beautiful family.
    Dana recently posted…There’s a dude on my blog! (guest post)My Profile

    • Thanks, Dana! I love the AAF series because it’s been by far the best way to get to know and engage with other bloggers. I’m open all of February if you want to swap questions with me sometime 🙂

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