Liebster Award!

Me?  She picked me!  I’m so excited for being nominated for a Liebster Award!  A big thank you and virtual {HUG} goes to to Jenny from Two Steps Forward and I’m Not Looking Back.  I’m super honored and delighted that you picked Mommy A-Z.  Yay!

What’s the Liebster Award???

The Liebster Award is given to new bloggers with under 200 followers as a way to welcome them into the blogging community.

My little blog, which has only had the support of by my wonderful family and friends for the past year, is starting to get noticed by the blogging community. I’m thankful for every new reader and friend I make along the way!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Each nominee should answer 11 questions made by the person that nominated them.
  2. Choose 11 new blogs to nominate, and link them to your post.
  3. Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer.
  4. Go to their page and tell them about their nomination.
  5. No tag backs!

11 Questions from 2 Steps Forward:

1. What is your passion in life?

Anything that allows me to express my creativity is my passion.  I work full-time in a corporate environment, which is very rigid in nature – project plans, budgets, meetings, and business models.  My brain is trained to think logically, but I find so much joy when I get to throw logic aside and be creative.  Whether it’s playing the piano, singing, writing, photography, decorating, gardening, or cooking.  I’m not really good at any of those things, but when I get time to express creativity, I feel ALIVE.

2. You are having friends over for dinner, what do you make?

Salad and spaghetti.  Those are the only dishes that I know that I can do consistently well.  Anything else would be too risky to serve to my friends if I wanted to maintain their friendship.  LOL  Sorry, no dessert – I’m a bad baker.

3. If you could go anywhere in the world for an all expenses paid vacation, where would you go?

The Philippines.  I’m the only Filipino I know that has never been there.  The motherland is calling me and sadly, I’ve never picked up the phone!

4. Do you play a musical instrument?

I play the piano.  My grandmother taught me how to play when I was just a wee lass.  I read notes in “do-re-mi” instead of “A-B-C”s and it takes up to 6 months to figure out how to play one song.  My favorite piece is “Clare De Lune” by DeBussy.

5. Do you have any pets?

Coconut, Sweetheart of America!  He’s a 7-year-old shihtzu and one of the greatest loves of my lifetime.

white shih-tzu

6. Why do you blog?

I initially started it to document the precious moments of my babies Arielle and Zavier (A&Z). As I began posting here and there, I discovered that I love to write and started using my blog as a creative outlet (see #1).  I recently started networking with the other bloggers and really enjoy meeting  other bloggers and reading their blogs – inspiration is everywhere!

7. What is your favorite social network?

Oooh, this is a toughie!  I would say Facebook, just because everyone understands it and is on it, which makes it easier to share and connect.

8. What is your favorite kind of music?

Bruno Mars.  Love. Love. Love him!

9. Have you read any good books lately?

I just got done reading Blog, Inc.  It’s a really good read for people like myself who are fairly new to blogging. It was inspirational, instructional, and insightful.  It made me realize that if I put the same level of commitment and dedication to my blog as I do in my professional career, then I can possibly turn this “hobby” into an additional revenue stream.

10. If you could have dinner with one person from history, who would it be?

Jesus.  I just started reading The Bible and it is fascinating.  Jesus was a teacher and explained the most profound things like love, forgiveness, and God the Father to His disciples over meals in ways they could understand them – like making analogies to sheep or fruitful gardens.  I would love to have Him over for dinner (I’d serve him salad and spaghetti) just to hear His teachings as He did with his students back in the day.

11. What is your favorite color?

Grey.  It’s cozy like a warm sweater on a cold, rainy day.  Grey is calm, but plays nicely with bold colors like turquoise and orange sorbet.

11 Questions for my nominees:

1.  What was your most embarrassing moment?
2.  If you had a 2nd chance to rename your blog, what would it be?
3.  What’s your go-to dish to bring to potluck dinners?
4.  What’s your favorite accessory this season?
5.  Who is your blog-crush? (Blogger that you admire or find inspiration from)
6. What’s on your DVR?
7.  If HGTV came over to surprise you with a make-over for only one room in your house, which room would it be?
8. What is your best advice for new parents?
9. What was your first car? Did you name it?
10.  Name one thing on your “summer bucket-list”.
11.  Do you have any kids?

My nominees are […drumroll, please!]

  1. Gladiador in Heels
  2. Sunshine & Pickles
  3. A Writer in Love
  4. Joy in the Midst Of…
  5. Home Made Mimi
  6. Creative Me Inspired You
  7. Corbett Capers
  8. Cloud Nine Chic
  9. Mom’s Small Victories
  10. Crazy Little Love Birds
  11. The Princess and Her Cowboys



  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment! Also thank you for nominating my blog. I hope you have a wonderful weekend spent with your family. Great blog!

  2. Hi Gracielle! Thanks so much for nominating my blog Cloud Nine Chic! I'm looking forward to getting to know you, and will let you know when I post my reply info. I read your "about me" answers and we are very alike – it's almost scary!!! I love Claire de Lune, I have a shih tzu named Buster (6 months old), I LOVE Bruno Mars, and I'm almost done reading Blog, Inc.! What!?!?! 😉
    (I'm following u now on G+ and Bloglovin

  3. Thanks for awarding the Liebster to Mom's Small Victories. I certainly appreciate it. As you know from visiting my blog, I love to read so thanks for the Blog, Inc. resource. I've been a full-time working mom for my kids entire childhood and I just recently decided to leave the workforce and stay home. I could use all the advice on how to improve my blog. It's a hobby for now but I love to write and share good books, good food and those small tips in motherhood that I learn along the way. Have a great day. I will be keeping my little ones busy this wknd but I'll try to link up next week.

  4. Found you through SITS Sharefest 🙂 Gray is one of my favorite colors also
    Kelly @ Leafy Not Beefy recently posted…May Sponsors GiveawayMy Profile

  5. Julie Achterberg Corbett says:

    Thank you for your kind words, Gracielle! I am honored that you would include my family blog in your group.

  6. Just dropping by to say “thank you” for linking up on my Bloglovin Blog Hop! Already following via Bloglovin.

    Take care,
    Happy Kids, Inc
    Happy Kids, Inc recently posted…Ironman 3 Review: Would You Take Your Kids?My Profile

  7. I’ve been to your motherland – Manila and Boracay. Beautiful places, especially the latter. 🙂

    Stopping by from SITS.

  8. Hi Gracielle,

    Thank you so much for the nomination. I'm so touched. I too only recently starting joining blog networking groups and getting to know other bloggers. It's so rewarding and inspiring. I'm glad to meet a new friend and look forward to following along with your blog.


  9. Congrats on the award! Your doggie is so cute. I love gray too. 🙂
    Camille recently posted…Tinky! (My First Review!!!)My Profile

  10. You're very welcome! Blog, Inc. was very helpful – I've done social media professionally, but creating content and networking for my personal blog is lots of work (but I love it). Keep me posted on when you post your Liebster Award…I'd love to read it!

  11. You're welcome! I'm glad we got to connect and I'm already following you on FB, too 🙂 I was previously blogging in my own little bubble, and recently got out and started networking with other bloggers. It's so much fun sometimes I get caught up in connecting and being inspired by others that I forget to update my blog! LOL

  12. No way! We must be sisters from another mister. LOL Thanks for connecting – I'll find you on G+ and Bloglovin, too! Can't wait to read your post 🙂

  13. You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  14. Hello Gracielle!

    I’ve got my Liebster Award post up… Thanks again for nominating me! Please stop by my blog and check it out. 🙂
    Andrea @ Cloud Nine Chic recently posted…My Liebster Award x 3!My Profile

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