Throwback Thursday: 25 Random Things About Me from 2009

I found a list of 25 Random Things About Me that I wrote in 2009 when I was looking through my old Facebook “Notes”.  (Interestingly, I was already showing hints of my blogger tendencies by using FB Notes back then!)   That was 4 years ago when I was only 26!  It’s pretty much the same to this day, except for #7 – No, we didn’t name our daughter Kordapia and #14 – EWW! Jon Gosselin…Barf!  But when I read #25 I nearly cried.  This just goes to show that dreams really do came true…

Here’s a pic of me at 26 and 7 months preggers with Arielle…about the same time I wrote this post:


1. I wrote a rap song about my friends and we called ourselves Homebase Crew. I rapped it to them on one of the last days of school freshman year. I’m still close friends with most of those girls to this day. That must mean I had mad skillz.

2. Everytime I eat canned peaches I think of the time when my big sister and I were playing when little kids (approx 7 and 5 yrs old, respectively) – she had me pinned on the floor and we were laughing and the peach fell out of her mouth onto my face.

3. I called Jeffrey my “boyfriend” for 9 years. In the short span of 4 months, I called him my “fiance,” then “husband,” then “baby daddy” but not necessarily in that order.

4. My eyebrows grow pointing downwards and span across every square centimeter of my eyelids.

5. I wore braces for 5 years.

6. My feet are an exact replica of my mom’s feet, but mine are a very proportionate, size-and-a-half bigger.

7. Jeff keeps saying that we’re going to name our daughter “Kordapia.” I have a fear that I’m going to be so exhausted and drugged up from giving birth that when they ask me to name her, I’ll accidentally say “Kordapia” out of habit or since the name has been engraved in my head.

8. I wish for the day when the sounds of tpang and akon are phased out of the radio airwaves. Their electronic voices are like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.

9. I tell people that I’m allergic to nuts, but I can eat peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and chestnuts.

10. I have freckles on my lips. When my aunt asked, “Eww what’s wrong with your lips??” My dad came to my defense and told her I had chocolate-chip lipstick. I thought that was nice of him.

11. I think life has been so much sweeter since we’ve been married. I can’t explain why…it just feels sweeter.

12. I won the best handwriting contest in the 3rd grade.

13. I have a runny nose every day of the year.

14. I certain phobias on toothpaste. I get the heebiejeebies from the gunk that builds up around the part the toothpaste squeezes out of. I made my sister clean it, now I make Jeff clean it. Jeff chases me around with it on his finger just to get a reaction out of me. I also can’t stand it when people walk around the house brushing their teeth. I can’t even look at you if you do that, or I’ll have to leave the room.

15. I call my dog Coconut “Sweetheart of the Universe.” It’s a big title for a little dog, but it suits him well.

16. I play songs on the piano and sing for my family. It’s never the entire song because I lose patience about half-way through learning the song, but they seem to enjoy it nonetheless.

17. I was in swing choir in 5th grade called “Pizzazz” but my dad called it “Pizza ass.” I used to get mad, but it’s pretty funny now that I think about it.

18. In addition to the surprise ending of House Hunters (i.e. Did they pick house 1, 2, or 3?), I find it amusing to see if the host Suzanne Whang is wearing bangs or no bangs. Kinda like my hairstyle these days…bangs or no bangs? I like to keep y’all guessing…

19. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen every episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 and I’ve been secretly developing a crush on Jon ever since he got his hair plugs.

20. My sister and I call the remote control “Kompschops,” but Jeffrey and I call it the “Mote-ree.” I have no idea why or where they came from

21. I only got 4 Bs in college. I liked the As and graduated with a 4.0 Major GPA. I had 2 majors and graduated from 2 colleges.

22. I can’t eat sushi because I’m allergic to seafood, but Jeff lets me pretend that I’m getting ready to eat sushi by letting me mix up the wasabi and the soy sauce because it’s part of the experience.

23. My first car was a black 1999 Nissan 200SX that I called “PuttPutt.” I thought it was ready to crap out and sold it to Jeff’s cousin for $500. It lived on for a number of years and they even took it on long road trips. I feel bad that I gave up on my PuttPutt too soon.

24. I cried during the episode of Ren and Stimpy when their friendship ended after Stimpy gave Ren his butt fat so that Ren could get implants on his pecs.

25. I daydream about me and my family living in a real house. This townhouse is fine for now, but I would like a single family home one day. It’ll have a fenced in yard for Coconut to run around and play. I’ll have 2 kids and a garden too. Jeff would say the same, except his version would have 4 kids. Yikes!

What were you like four years ago? Did much change since then? Did your dreams come true?

Thanks for reading!  Don’t forget to follow Mommy A-Z on Facebook for updates and extras.


More random things about me:


  1. I love that you have this list from four years ago, how fun! Loved your dad’s chocolate chip lips comment, haha! I agree with you about the teeth thing only mine is flossing. Please DON’T floss your teeth in front of me and please don’t pick your teeth (or floss) while we’re sitting down to dinner.

    I was having lunch with a friend recently and she whipped out some dental floss. Ugh, lol!

    • I saw someone start flossing with one of those floss-picks in a meeting at work. GROSS! Since when has it been socially acceptable to floss in front of others?

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. It sure is fun to find things like this and look back, isn’t it?

    My oldest daughter had braces for 5 1/2 years and I’m pretty sure she’s still mad at us for it. I hope you’ve forgive your parents. And I’m sure glad you got over Jon.

    Happy Sharefest. I’m glad your world is shaping up the way you hoped.
    misssrobin recently posted…Being ThereMy Profile

  3. I have changed a lot fro the way I was five years ago. I've developed a backbone and don't mind speaking up when my family is wrong about something. BTW, I got you beat on the braces thing, I've been wearing mine for 12yrs! Stopping by from#SITSsharefest.

  4. I can't remember what I was doing then. Working, watching my daughter play lacrosse. I know I weigh more now hahaha. Interesting list! Stopping by from SITs…have a great weekend!

  5. I doubt she could be mad after having a beautiful, straight smile! Thanks for stopping by, missrobin!

  6. I have fun reading your list from 4 years back. And it’s great to find out that we share the same dream #25. We often get asked, what will you see yourself in 5 years time. So having list like this is a great way to see how far we have come. Visiting from SITS.
    Honeybee @ Her Weight Loss Diary recently posted…Wendy’s Weight Loss Success Story You Haven’t ReadMy Profile

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