I Forgot My Baby’s Name

I’m officially back to work from the Best Maternity Leave Ever.  It’s been a challenge to get into the swing of things like dealing with the cold weather, getting the kids back to school, and keeping up with the fast-paced work environment.  So far I didn’t forget to wear pants to work (yes, that actually happened! Read about it here), but I did forget my baby’s name.  Someone at work asked me what her name was and my mind went completely blank.  You can blame it on the “mommy brain” but I assure you, it’s more complicated than that.

Let me ‘splain.  I forgot my baby’s name because we’ve all been calling her different things:

(And while I’m at it, here are Alyssa’s newborn photos that I’ve been meaning to share.  She’s already three months old so it’s now or never!  These photos were done by Ashley Gee Imagery)

We had a hard time deciding on what to name her and she had no name for the first two days after she was born.  At that time, she was known as “Baby Girl Tamanio.”



Alyssa-1096 Alyssa-1080 Alyssa-1072

I decided that I wanted to name her “Alyssa” because it sounded nicely with her siblings’ names, “Arielle and Zavier.”  Also, I figured that if Arielle’s nickname is “Arie” and Alyssa’s nickname is “Allie,” then “Arie and Allie” would have a nice ring to it.

Alyssa-1190Alyssa-1167 Alyssa-1166 Alyssa-1165 Alyssa-1153

Jeffrey wanted to name her “Jaime” after his late father.  However, Zavier was already named after Jeff’s dad because his middle name is “James.”  Also, I’m not a fan of the unisex names (personal preference, no offense).  So the compromise was that her middle name would be “Jaime” on her birth certificate.  Regardless of what her name is on paper, Jeff insists on calling her “Jaime.”


And then there are the many silly names that Zavier gives her.  He’s three years old and is super proud to be a big bro.  I don’t know where these names come from, but they’re pretty cute.  There’s “Baby Ana,” “Bean” or “Beanie,” and my personal favorite – “Uncle Baby.”


In summary, her name is Alyssa.  AKA Jaime.  AKA Uncle Baby.

I guess it doesn’t matter what her name is.  All I know is that she is so sweet and squishy and much bigger than she was during her newborn photo shoot.  Here’s a more recent picture of her at 12 weeks:

A photo posted by Gracielle (@mommya_z) on

And here are those cheeks in action:

A video posted by Gracielle (@mommya_z) on

Special thanks to Ashley Gee Imagery for the beautiful photos and to Knitted Reverie for the darling headbands!



  1. Luv this n miss my baby “slippery fish”. Be prepared that you will also mix all your 3 kids name up. It will happen:)

  2. Uncle Baby. There HAS to be a good story behind that one! My babies have all sorts of names, and they aren’t babies anymore. Alyssa is such a cutie!
    Mrs.AOK recently posted…Wisdom WednesdayMy Profile

    • There is no rhyme or reason behind Zavier’s nicknames for Alyssa. “Uncle Baby!” He’s silly like that. The only logical thing I can think of is that he probably cannot pronounce “Alyssa” so he thinks of alternate names to call her instead. 😛

  3. Baby cheeks!!!! I love all of your kids’ names. They are traditional, classic, but elegant and unique as well. I only forget my children’s names when I’m trying to get them to do something. I always call them the other kids’ name. Sometimes I throw-in my husband’s name too, LOL.
    lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…Never say neverMy Profile

  4. Sooo squishy and cute! I love hearing how people land on their baby’s names- and nicknames are so much fun! My friends’ little girl is named Verbena, nicknamed Beans 🙂
    Christy@SweetandSavoring recently posted…Mohonk and the Big Cheese: My Delicious Day OffMy Profile

  5. My kids don’t even have names that could be shortened into nicknames, but we still managed to create them. I love that Alyssa has so many of them – that just means she is very loved!
    Dana recently posted…Down with bleu cheese and vaguebookingMy Profile

  6. What a cutie! I love the pictures. My husband and I picked out kids names based in part on their nicknames and how we could shorten them!
    Joanna recently posted…Modern House “With Love” Red WineMy Profile

  7. Hahaha!! Uncle Baby is my favorite.
    And I can see the confusion! I have about 200 names for my kids and my pets. I confuse all five of them!
    Tamara recently posted…Is This The Real Life Or Just Fantasy?My Profile

  8. SHE IS SO ADORABLE!!! Uncle Baby! Oh I see why you’re wondering where his big bro got that. LOL. I get Bean or Beanie I guess – because babies are sorta bean-shaped. Hehehe. My father also said that I have lots of nicknames for Reiko. He’s confused. Haha ;p
    Rea recently posted…#BlissfulSnapshots: PenthouseMy Profile

    • I think he just can’t pronounce “Alyssa” so he thinks of other things to call her! I’ve heard him say “Wa-wissa” and “Fa-fee-fa” LOL His speech is a little cray, but it’s getting better!

  9. Your little one is ADORABLE 🙂 I hope your week goes well. I know it is hard to go back…
    Happy Tuesday
    Chelsea @ thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com

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