[Vlog] Oooh, My First Tula!

Here’s a VLOG of me opening up my special delivery of my very first Tula baby carrier in Midnight Garden!

Here’s how my Tula obsession began…

Everyone told me that having three kids is difficult because God created mommies with only two hands. But since I’ve started to carry Alyssa in a wrap, that problem was solved!  Lately, I’ve had the biggest appetite for learning more about it – the different holds, different types of wraps, ring slings, and carriers.  I joined a local babywearing chapter and I’m even attending MommyCon in Chicago to learn more (I’m giving away free tickets, too!  You can enter here. Ends 2/10/15.)

I kept hearing chatter about Tula baby carriers on blogs and various Facebook groups.  It’s a family owned business that creates ergonomic soft-structured baby carriers with really cute patterns and designs.  As I kept reading about them, I got sucked into the obsession – people collect, buy, sell, and trade them like rare Jordan shoes (that’s the best comparison I could think of).  Some are resold for over 200% of their retail value because they sell-out within minutes of them being available or discontinued, or hard to find.

I randomly ran into a mom at a park in Florida who was wearing her toddler in a Zig Zag Tula.  She said that it’s worth the investment because she used it almost every day.  I thought it was odd that she called it an “investment.” Now it makes sense because I learned that they maintain their value or can even go up in value if you try to resell it later.

I decided to take the plunge and spend the $149 on a carrier, but had a hard time picking which one to get.  Here were my top three:


Bliss Bouquet was my first pick, but they are all sold out and they are now discontinued.  Market value is currently $325 so….just, no.  Isn’t it pretty though???

Midnight Garden was available and I think it’s pretty; however, I didn’t see that many people talking about this one.  Also, the pattern is very busy compared to the whimsical and simple design of the other carriers. I was worried that they wouldn’t maintain their value.  Then, I thought – who cares?  If I like it, then it does not matter what the rest of the Tula loving community thinks.  So I decided to buy it.

Shortly after I ordered it, Tula announced that they were releasing the Willow.  Then, my buyer’s remorse kicked in and I really, really liked the Willow.  It was simple and whimsical like the other Tulas and not as girly so my husband could wear it if he wanted to.  Also, I loved the colors coral and grey.  I was in agony that the Midnight Garden was on its way, but I wanted the Willow instead.

So what did I do?  I ordered that one, too.  Eeeek!  I placed the order as soon as it became available online and I felt like I won because it sold out within minutes.  I told you, these things are in crazy high demand!

Now I’m going to be the owner of two Tulas!  I guess I’ll have to wait until the Willow arrives so I can see which one I like better…

Side note:  I’m a Libra.  So I have a tendency to be a bit indecisive.  This is going to be a tough choice!  Which one do you think is prettier?

Wish me luck!



  1. I love your glasses! I feel like such a nerd in mine.
    And boy – if ever there is a third baby. I can’t wait to try the amazing things like this! I have trouble with a lot of wraps and carriers because they seem hard to me, but this seems like I could do it.
    Tamara recently posted…Challenges, Diagnoses & Awareness.My Profile

    • I’m overdue for an eye appointment and they won’t let me re-order contacts! Thanks, though 🙂 I’m going all out with the accessories and baby gear for Alyssa since she’s my last. Might as well!

  2. Awww so cute!! Willow is pretty too. I have to agree that it’s an investment! I didn’t realize it can be that expensive but I guess as long as it’s worth it, everything’s cool. I’m like you! I can be pretty indecisive too. It would drive my husband crazy. Lol.

    • My husband thinks I’m crazy. He laughed when he saw that I vlogged about it! I’m going to get him to wear it…you just watch. I think he’ll end up loving it!

  3. First off you are even more adorable in video!! I love how you’re just conversing with us like we’re old girlfriends. I ♥ the Willow!!

    Libra Power. I totally get you on the indecisiveness, which my husband loves by the way. ((sarcasm))
    Mrs.AOK recently posted…Mommy Monday Blog Hop {85}My Profile

  4. I like the Willow, but it is lighter in color – will it get dirty? I had a Baby Bjorn when I had babies but I didn’t use it much. Then again, I only had two kids! Good luck with your decision, Gracielle – I don’t think you can go wrong with either pattern.
    Dana recently posted…Ordinary LoveMy Profile

    • Thanks, Dana! I actually posted a side-by-side picture in a Tula Love FB group (yes, there is a group for that) and I got over 200 comments and the feedback was split between the two. I might just keep them both for awhile and then sell or trade it when I’m ready!

  5. I’m sure you’ve done a vlog before, but this is the first I’ve seen, and I loved being able to see and hear you! You’re a doll and I’m so surprised your baby slept the whole time! With you wearing her, she’s going to be so in tuned to you and the activities you do and learning you! So special! I’m looking into MommyCon now since I’m only 2 hours from Chicago! I missed out on your giveaway but we’ll see if we can swing it!
    shelly recently posted…House TourMy Profile

    • Hi Shelly! She loves being in a carrier and sleeps the entire time. I know I’ve tried vlogging before, but I don’t remember if I ever actually posted it. It was actually not as scary as I thought it would be! MommyCon is all sold out, but there might be half-tickets still available for $30 ($5 off using my promo code MOMMYAZ15). I’m excited! It’s my first year going and I keep hearing great things about it from other mommies who have gone.

  6. I have a tula bliss boutique. It is brand new still in the package. I will sell it to you for $190


  1. […] you, Tula baby carrier, for letting me hold my baby close while getting stuff done around the house!  I thought my hands […]

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