Arielle 4.5: Pre-K Update

A few weeks ago we got the news that a spot opened up in the pre-K program at the nearby elementary school.  I hesitated at first because of the monthly tuition, but decided that it would be a great opportunity for her to make new friends and get used to the classroom environment since she starts kindergarten this fall.  I want to thank everyone for all your comments, feedback, and advice!  It was really helpful during this sudden transition.  Here’s how it’s going so far:

Arielle’s first day of school was kind of a blur for me.  I wanted to observe her reactions to her new environment.  I wanted to tell her how proud I was of her and that she is going to have a ton of fun and make new friends…

But Zavier had other plans.  He decided to throw a monster tantrum from the time we left the house, in the car, in the main office, and all the way in the classroom when we met her teacher.  Instead of being excited about her new school, Arielle’s attention was focused on trying to get him to calm down too.  Such a sweet big sister.  Way to ruin it, Zavier.  I was so mad at him.  I’m still mad at him.  But then again, how can you stay mad at this face:

Other than that, she did GREAT on her first day.  She did great everyday thereafter, too.  She looks forward to going to school and has one (1) friend named Nicole.  There’s a girl named Fifi and another girl named Isla, but I’m not sure if they qualify her homegirls yet. 

I’m also not sure what exactly she does during the day because the things she tells me is up for interpretation.  Did it really happen or was it in her head?  Or did it happen and she just doesn’t know how to explain it?  For example:

Arielle: They were making fun of me.
Me: Huh?! Who was making fun of you? Bullying? NO! Already? OMG we need to revisit the idea of homeschooling… 
Arielle: Nicole.  She helped me put on my back pack.  She was making fun of me.
Me:  Oh, okay. Was she mean or nice?  I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know what ‘making fun of me’ means.
Arielle: Nice.  Nicole was helping me.
Me: Okay. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.  I can stop freaking out now.

Or when this happened:

Arielle: We colored and played dress up.
Me: That’s nice. What else did you do?
Arielle: All the Disney characters came and we took pictures!
Me: Did that really happen or was that in your dream or just in your head?
Arielle: No, it really happened.  Wreck It Ralph was there.  So was Merida – she let me play with her bow and arrow!
Me:  I’m pretty sure that didn’t happen.

Silly girl.

In just these past few weeks, I’ve seen her independence and confidence grow by leaps and bounds. Her favorite phrase these days is, “I did it all by myself!”  from putting on her coat to taking a shower by herself. She doesn’t let me just do things for her, but also knows when to politely ask for help. She is more aware of her schedule – bedtime, clean-up time, and be-nice-to-your-brother all the time. Just kidding. We’re still working on that last one a little bit.

Even I’ve learned some things since Arielle started pre-K. I’ve learned that it is actually possible for me to not run late.  I’ve gotten her to school and picked her up on time, which is a BIG DEAL for me because I’m perpetually tardy for all events. I also realized that after graduating college almost 10 years ago, I have homework again. Because when Arielle has homework, that means I have homework, too. Boo.

Some things never change. I’m still very much a procrastinator, but I’m also very resourceful when I’m in a crunch. The assignment was to draw or decorate a family photo with glitter, noodles, etc. I didn’t have glue or glitter, so I used left over mustaches from NYE and duct tape from my Jolly Vox Box.

We’re all very excited about Arielle’s latest adventure. I’m so proud of her and will continue to be amazed at how quickly she’s growing before my very eyes.

I’ll leave you with this last piece of Arielle’s awesomeness – her performing a monologue straight out of one of her favorite movies, Ella Enchanted, complete with an English accent.  So cute!

xoxo // gracielle.


  1. Awww! The kids are really adorable. It’s nice to know the late thing may take a while because I felt horrible since I’m usually late when I bring JR places. I’m thinking it might get worse before it gets better since I’m adding another little one to the equation 🙂 Being nice to your brother takes time lol. I’m an older sister to my brother who is 1 year and 13 days younger than me. And even as we got older, I tell you Gracielle, he would do things just to annoy me LOL. 🙂
    Brittnei recently posted…Memory…My Profile

    • I guess being annoying is all part of a lil’ bro’s DNA. The being late thing will probably get worse with 2 kids before it gets better. At least that’s how it was with us. Good luck with that! 🙂

  2. I am so glad you posted this update. I’ve been wondering about her a lot these last few weeks, and hoping it has been going okay. I have never been late picking Malone up from school, but there have been a few times that we’ve been late getting there. His class starts at noon and we leave playgroup at 11:30 to get there. Sometimes traffic is heavy and we’re late. I HATE that!

    How has Z been doing with not having her around all of the time?
    NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner recently posted…10 Things I Should Say More OftenMy Profile

  3. Adorable! I am so glad it is going well and she is enjoying it….and I love her conversations about what happened (or could have happened, wink, wink!) at school! Fabulous! :)-Ashley

    • Thanks, Ashley! It’s definitely an adventure each week! The other day she said she played with “gack”. I had to google it to make sure it wasn’t contagious!

  4. She is precious! Gotta love the homework. Peer pressure is a powerful thing. When kids in class can do things themselves, all the sudden my kids must also do it theirselves. 😉
    Herchel S recently posted…Encouraging independence with a Kid’s PantryMy Profile

    • The more she can do for herself, the better! In fact, when I taught her how to shower by herself I also taught her how to give Zavier a shower too. I don’t know if I’m a genius or a lazy parent. LOL

  5. Those convos are so cute! So great to hear she’s adjusting well. Was she in daycare before or is this her first time in a group environment with kids her age?
    Roaen recently posted…National Museum of Natural HistoryMy Profile

    • She was in an at-home daycare for 3.5 years, but we had to pull her out because they wanted more $$ and needed her to go full time. She also goes to Sunday school on the weekends and has TONS of cousins her age. So she’s pretty used to being around kids her age. That’s probably why she adjusted so quickly!

  6. You know, I’m a pretty punctual person but I find I’m mostly only late to preschool. Eep! Arielle is a little character. She reminds me a lot of my own 4.5-year-old.
    Tamara recently posted…Wanderlust: (A Guest Post By Work In Sweats Mama)My Profile

    • She is quite the character! I have a video somewhere on my phone of her doing an impersonation of Sweet Brown…the news clip where she says, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” She cracks me up!

  7. sounds like everything is going so well! our ceo is 5 minutes early to every meeting, so when people are on-time, they are late. he sets the precedent, which means it’s bad form for anyone to show up to a meeting (i.e., on-time) and he’s already talking.
    catherine gacad recently posted…Pregnancy Question #2: Diaper DecisionsMy Profile

    • Yikes! No, I’ve never been late to a meeting with the chairman of the board! Those are bright and early (7 am) because he’s on eastern time and it’s a video conference so you can’t just sneak in without him seeing you! I’m pretty good with punctuality when it comes to work and now with Arielle’s school. It’s social gatherings and her extra curricular activities that I need to work on.

  8. Glad to hear she is doing well in pre-K. Zavier looked a little cranky in that picture. lol.
    Jeanne recently posted…A Flurry Of ActivityMy Profile

    • Thanks, Jeanne! That was his pirate face…but I also think it kinda looks like “whatchu talkin’ ’bout Willis” face from Different Strokes. Remember that?

  9. Arielle is so cute!! I love her monologue! So glad to know that your transition has been a smooth and amazing one. For my kid’s day out, I usually have to prepare 2 hours before schedule just to be sure we won’t be late and sometimes we are still late. I can’t imagine how long I need just to prep everything for us. Lol. Great job to you and Arielle! Yey!
    Rea recently posted…I Choose HappinessMy Profile

    • I’ve got the timing down pretty well when it comes to Arielle’s morning schedule. Down to the minute! For everything else, I think I’m late because I assume everything is 15 minutes away from the house and then I actually get out there it takes 30 to 45 minutes. Ooops!

  10. I am so glad that things are going well for Arielle, and you have given me inspiration that one day, I will be on time for things too :).
    Lynne Childress recently posted…What To Do, What To Do….My Profile

  11. That’s great that Arielle is doing great in pre-school. It sounds like she is having a lot of fun, I know I would if the Disney characters were coming to my school and playing with me…LOL
    Sonya K recently posted…Why I Decided to go Gluten-FreeMy Profile

  12. Conversations with my preschooler are like that too. I constantly have to ask myself – real or not real? lol!
    Emma recently posted…Play & Learn with Recyclables and Kids Co-opMy Profile

  13. Emma Tustian says:

    Aw cute children. Sounds like she's loving pre-K.

    My son makes up a lot of stuff too. Nursery staff told me he'd been telling them about the new bull on the farm, and how his uncle bought it at market. Total porkie, as they'd not been to market and definitely not bought a bull!

  14. I loved getting to know your kids in this post and I am laughing as I remember my boys’ early days in school! I am hitting the teenage years now ans really am NOT at all ready for this stage. You have a beautiful family and I love your writing style…I feel like I am sitting next to you having a conversation. LOVE THAT! I am adding you to my Bloglovin feed! Stopping by from #SITSBlogging!
    Geri C recently posted…The Life Organizer: A Woman’s Guide to a Mindful Year – ReviewMy Profile

  15. I didn’t understand a word of it but it was freaking adorable. I think A and I would get along famously! This being based on the fact that since I am a princess I get a long with other princesses.
    Heather recently posted…#BusyGirlBlogger: Social Media TipsMy Profile


  1. […] think anyone really notices. He’ has been living happily in the shadow of his big sis Arielle.  She’s can strike up a good conversation, she sings, she dances, and she recites lines from […]

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