Fall Fun at Randy’s Vegetable Farm Stand

It doesn’t feel like autumn until our annual visit to a pumpkin patch!  We usually hit up Goebbert’s Farm to take pictures and frolic through a field of pumpkins, but last year, they closed off everything and implemented an entrance fee just to walk through the grounds.  hashtagLAME.  So this year we went to Randy’s Vegetable Farm Stand to get our fall festivities fix.

Fall 2013 Collage.jpg

Randy’s was was much smaller than Goebbert’s and there were no farm animals or haunted houses; however, it was free and a lot less crowded.  Did I mention it was free?  There were still plenty of photo opps, a small carnival for the kiddos, and goodies like apple cider donuts, popcorn, pumpkin cookies, and hot apple cider. Honestly, the A&Z couldn’t tell the difference and they had an awesome time!

Randy Vegetables 1Randy Vegetables 2Randy Vegetables 3Randy Vegetables 4

I’ll be thinking about that delicious apple cider donut until next year.  Nom nom.  What are your favorite fall festivities and traditions?

xo // gracielle.


  1. Love this! It looks like such a fun outing! We have a place kind of like that near us, and we are going to hit it this weekend! :)-Ashley
    thedoseofreality recently posted…Would You Rather: Belt It Out Or Cut A Rug?My Profile

  2. Aww, looks like you all had a good time! I love all the pictures too. We need to get to the corn maze and pumpkin patch soon but it’s been so doggone cold here these days!
    Jeanne recently posted…We Got Cool Stuff!My Profile

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