I got my boobs back! The end of breastfeeding.

Zavier 21 months

After 23 months, Zavier is officially done breastfeeding!  I finally got my boobs back, ladies and gentlemen!

At the rate he was going at 18 months, it seemed like he would never ever stop.  My close family and friends were getting a little worried that I’d let Zavier breastfeed until he is 5-years-old and calls my boobs by names of their own. I planned on cutting him off for good by his 2nd birthday in March to give myself time to mentally prepare myself for the ultimate battle of wills.  Lucky for me, it happened on its own.

His weaning was definitely NOT based on his lack of interest that all my research on the web suggested. He still asks for it by whimpering and tugging at my shirt at least once a day. (Give him a break – it has only been one week!) Here are some of the things I’ve done over the past 6 months to get my toddler uninterested in breastfeeding:

  1. Stop co-sleeping.  He used to need to nurse in order to fall asleep, but we finally got him trained to sleep on his own.
  2. Limit feedings to certain times of the day.  We cut it down to key cuddle times, which was first thing in the morning and right after work.
  3. Stop sitting in spots around the house where he usually gets his fix.  Or stop sitting next to him altogether.
  4. Offer up some water, snacks, and/or a his favorite TV episode of to bribe distract him.
  5. JUST SAY NO! He will cry, but he will live.

I thought I would celebrate this major milestone by throwing my newly freed, yet saggy girls a re-launch party (kinda like the New Girl episode where Schmidt threw his junk a party when the cast was taken off). Just kidding. It was actually just the opposite of a celebration because when Zavier stopped breastfeeding, I lost my cuddle bug.  I guess that’s what they call “bittersweet.” Sad face.

On Saturday afternoon, the babies and I were getting ready or an episode of The Best Naps of Our Lives and Zavier just wouldn’t let me hold him so we could fall asleep together. He had things to do and places to go. There was no reason for him to cuddle with me without my boobs being involved. I felt so used!  No matter how much I tried to hold him close, he would squirm away.  I was pretty bummed out. I don’t remember going through this with Arielle.

Did you breastfeed?  How’d you feel when it was finally over?




*PS I don’t have a recent picture of Zavier at 23 months.  He, too, has suffered from a bad haircut.  I’ll post on that soon!  LOL


  1. ahhh yes… I just want my BODY back!! I’ve been either pregnant or nursing for the past 12 years! I mean yeah, there was a month or two where I wasn’t either one but for the most part…yeah…..

  2. Stopping by from SITS!

  3. I knocked myself trying to breastfeed but ended up not having enough milk. After a month, I had to give it up. Broke my heart. Well done you for going 18 months!

  4. Great tips for helping along weaning. Congrats on getting your boobs back!

  5. he he! I remember those days! Congrats on getting your girls back.

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