{Through the Lens Thursday} Doors

I’ve been slacking on this photography challenge, but as soon as I saw that this week’s prompt was “door” I knew exactly which photo I wanted to share: Ok, so that might be more of a gate, but still – I thought it was so pretty.  This was taken last year at Yale University for […]

{Wordless Wednesdays} White

Note: I’m participating in a one-year photo project called, “Through the Lens Thursday” where every week Alison from Wishing Writing and Greta from Gfunkified give the participants an assignment to take photos based on a prompt.  This week’s prompt was “white.”  My goal on participating in this photo project is to challenge myself to take […]

[Not so] Wordless Wednesdays: Fun with Fixed Lens

Just as I was wondering what it would be like to try a 50mm lens to get those “clear, but blurry in the back” photo results, my former co-worker named Eric popped up on IM at work and said, “Hey, do you want to borrow my 50mm f/1.4 lens just to try it out?”  No […]