Owl-themed First Birthday Party

A&Z’s birthday is coming up in March so now I have to start thinking of what to do for their birthday party!  I plan on doing a joint celebration since Arielle will be turning 4 on March 24 and Zavier will be turning 2 on March 23.  Sorry, kiddos, you’ll probably have joint birthday parties […]

Sleep Training Update: SUCCESS

Greetings! I previously mentioned that I started to sleep train A&Z to sleep on their own in their own room (if you missed it, catch it here). I had a nine day plan all laid out. As it turns out, I didn’t need nine days because it only took one day! Am I that lucky […]

Sleep Training Starts NOW

I’ve always been a huge fan of co-sleeping, especially while breastfeeding my little babies.  There’s nothing sweeter than the company of a sleeping angel by your side…watching the rise and fall of their little tummies while they are off in dream land, so content and peaceful.  But they are not little babies anymore, just little […]

I Make My Babies Cry

I get accolades where ever I go with the babies on how sweet and well-behaved they are. They are little angels when I leave them with the babysitter, family members, and even Jeff. Really? Seriously? Because when I get home from work, all they want to do is cry. They run to the door and […]

Zavier 1.5

I think he was going for the toddler version of “teenage angst” in this photo, and he totally nailed it!  This picture was taken after he got his 2nd hair cut that he needed so very badly.  Now I can actually see his face and all his handsomeness.  It’s funny because every time Jeffrey calls […]