Zavier 1.5

I think he was going for the toddler version of “teenage angst” in this photo, and he totally nailed it!  This picture was taken after he got his 2nd hair cut that he needed so very badly.  Now I can actually see his face and all his handsomeness.  It’s funny because every time Jeffrey calls out to him and says, “Hey, pogi*!” Zavier gets upset and responds with a “Hmph!” and makes that pouty face.

At 1.5 years-old, Zavier’s little personality is really starting to show.  He has a few words in his vocabulary: “Mommy,” “mo'” (more), “hi,” “bye,”, “bap bull” (apple), and “Bah-ne” (Barney).  He’s pretty curious the way he points at things and carefully plays with new toys or books that are given to him.  I just started reading to him regularly and he’s really getting into books!  But above all, he loves me more than anything else in the world!

He gets along very well with his big sis Arielle.  She’s the only one that can really make him laugh and the two of them can tear up a perfectly clean room in 5 minutes flat.  They fight occasionally and it’s usually over toys or competing for my attention.  He started sticking up for himself more recently where he’d push or smack Arielle right back if she was bullying him around.

He loves to eat, sleeps through the whole night next to his daddy, and loves to kiss (girls especially!)  It’s sad to think that one day I won’t be the most favorite girl in his life and that pretty soon he’ll be a stinky boy with stinky feet.  So I’m enjoying every bit of 1.5 – the few words in his vocab, his pouty face, and his appetite for life (and food!)

*Pogi = “handsome” in Tagalog


  1. so handsome!!

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