Why I chose to have my daughter wear a uniform in a public school

Arielle will be starting the first grade at her new school next week.  (Woah! How did that happen already?!)  She will be attending the public school that’s just down the block. I read that there is an optional uniform policy for their students and I thought that was bizarre. I thought uniforms were only for private schools and if it’s optional, then why would anyone opt to wear a uniform to school?

why i chose to have my daughter wear a uniform to a public school

How would she feel if she were the only one wearing regular clothes and the rest of the kids were wearing a uniform? Or vice versa? I asked the secretary at registration and she said it was a 50/50 mix.  Regardless of what the other kids wear, I decided that my daughter will wear a uniform to school. Here’s why:

  • Uniforms save time.  We don’t have to fuss over what to wear every morning. We would get into arguments about what to wear every morning when she was in kindergarten. I can only imagine that it’ll get worse as she gets older.
  • Uniforms save money.  It’s more economical. I just spent $120 on six solid polo shirts, three khaki skirts, slacks, and a jumper and $50 on shoes. That’s it! For the rest of the school year, other than special occasions or when she grows out of them – that will be the only clothes I’ll need to buy for school.
  • Uniforms build integrity.  Hopefully, she will have a sense of pride about being a student.  This one is a long shot, but I’m hoping that her attire will help her understand that she is in school to learn.  Just like how she wears a bathing suit to the beach to swim, or a dress to a party…you get the point!

It’s all about dressing for the occasion.  You know, putting your best foot forward.


I hope that my future-self will thank my present-self for making this decision while she is only in the first grade.  Hopefully, it won’t be a big deal as she gets older.  I think her sense of style and individuality will happen naturally, eventually.  I think it’s super cute and she likes it, too!

Arielle UniformIMG_6578 IMG_6580

As for Zavier, well, no uniform for him for now.  He’ll be attending preschool at a nearby daycare facility and not at the same school as his big sis.  He did get some fancy new school shoes, though!  He was thrilled and wore them for the rest of the night.


How’s your back-to-school shopping coming along?  Would you consider putting your kids in uniform by choice?

Cheers to an awesome school year!



  1. i think it’s a great decision! i went to catholic school and had to wear a uniform through senior year in high school and think it was one of the great things about catholic schools…the uniforms! also, the fact that you don’t have to decide what to wear every day is such a huge time saver!!! apparently obama either wears a black suit or a blue suit. that’s it! no spending time on stupid stuff.
    catherine gacad recently posted…Time SaversMy Profile

    • I personally spend way too much time figuring out what to wear to work every day. I saw a piece one time about a woman who wore her own “uniform” to work. I don’t think I could personally do it, but for now it seems like a good idea for my daughter!

  2. Mainly because it’s super cute. She looks great! I like the idea of saving time and money.
    Our back to school shopping has been good because I’m doing a sponsored post for Carter’s and one for OshKosh so I got free clothes! The kids are thrilled.
    Tamara recently posted…Teaching a Love For Giving Back.My Profile

  3. I can remember when Reiko got his first ever shoes. He refused to remove them even when he was sleeping and would wake up whenever I tried to remove them. So funny these kids! LOL
    I’d also prefer to have Reiko wear uniform and even right now that he’s still in preschool, he already has a uniform. I’m so thankful because I didn’t need to worry about what he’ll wear the next day. And oh, I love Arielle’s uniform!
    Rea recently posted…You’ll Be Surprised I’ve Never Owned Any Of TheseMy Profile

    • That’s so cute about Reiko and his shoes! I feel the same way sometimes when I get a new pair of shoes. LOL We are a month into the school year and I can say 100% that it has been easier to get her ready in the morning with the uniforms. On Fridays I let her wear whatever she wants.


  1. […] was fine. The sun was shining. We were actually on time. Arielle was looking studious in her voluntary school uniform as we walked hand-in-hand on the sidewalk towards the school. It was the usual morning chaos in the […]

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