Swirly Trees and Happy Thoughts

I’ve always wanted to do one of those painting classes – the kind where you drink a bottle of wine with your friends while a teacher gives instructions on how to re-create a work of art.  If I had a bucket list, this would be on it.  I picture myself with an easel and a smock with a set of borrowed paint brushes.  I would drink red wine and compliment my neighbors on their progress while thinking, “Mine is better!” letting my creativity pour itself all over the blank canvas.  I would do a great job, proudly show my children and ask my husband to hang my masterpiece in my home office.  This was all in my head.  I just never got around to scheduling it because it’s too expensive or too far away or I couldn’t find the time, excuses, excuses, excuses…

And then it happened.  In real life.

My boss’s friend opened up a shop nearby and she invited me to go to a “Paint ‘n Sip” workshop last Friday.  Well, for me it was more like “Paint, no Sip” since I’m preggers.  It was everything I envisioned and I had so much fun!

This was the inspiration art – a whimsical, colorful swirly tree:

photo 1

This is the proverbial blank canvas:

photo 2

First, she had us pencil in the tree placement and work on the background:

photo 3

Then, it was time to get all swirly:

photo 5

That’s me!  Canvas, smock, borrowed paint brushes and all  – just like I imagined.

photo 1

The finished product:

photo 2

Sherri and me:

photo 4

I don’t know if it was because I wanted to do this for a long time, or if it was because this was my first night out in a long time without the kids or hubs, or because of all those swirly swirls – but I such a great time!

I would highly suggest this as a girls’ night out or a mother/daughter bonding activity.  If you’re in the northwest Chicago-land area, you can look out for upcoming events at Fabric, Fiber, and Finds.

xoxo // gracielle.


  1. I am so excited to see you posting again! Congratulations on the new baby and I am not shocked that your painting looks so good!
    Herchel S recently posted…Friday Fitness update 1: Easy Garlic Shrimp with Roasted Veggies Meal IdeaMy Profile

    • I’m so excited, too! The baby will be here in 2 weeks (that’s my prediction). I hope all is well with you and pork chop and pea. Wait – what? Did you change your blog from scruggbugg corner? Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do…:)

  2. ooooo this is on my bucket list too! Never got around to do it myself. Glad you had fun. Us mamas need that girly time and that’s a perfect activity to do so.
    Deanna recently posted…Kohl Children’s Museum-it’s the little things.My Profile

    • There are a ton of Groupon and Amazon Local deals for Vino van Gogh or paint parties like this one in the city! You should totally do it if you find one near your neighborhood. It was so fun to get my mind off of things for a few hours…and then have something to show for it!

  3. I love that for the most part you got to do what you’ve really wanted to! That’s awesome! Honestly, I keep hearing about wine and I truly crave red wine sometimes now. We do Passover so I’m glad that baby will definitely be here by then so I can have my red wine! Oh back to you! Hahaha! And your painting…looks just like the original. Go girl! 🙂
    Brittnei recently posted…Support Systems Really MatterMy Profile

    • I heard that it doesn’t really hurt to have a glass of wine when you’re pregnant. I just don’t have the taste for it at all since I’ve been pregnant. I don’t even like the taste of coffee and usually I LOVE coffee, but I force myself to drink it so I can stay awake. After the baby is born, I look forward to drinking wine again, too!

  4. I’ve always wanted to do that too, Gracielle! It looks like so much fun! Your painting turned out great!!! You didn’t need any wine to bring out the artist inside you…not a single drop! 🙂
    Jennifer McCullough recently posted…Pubic Symphysis Diastasis aka Getting Kicked in the Crotch by a HorseMy Profile

    • Thanks, Jennifer! I was so focused on getting it close to the original and the instructor called me out on it like by if I was in finance or some other career that would require me to follow rules. LOL Some of the women there got REALLY creative and did their own interpretations of the painting…it was interesting to see all the different perspectives – or maybe it just depended on how much wine they had to drink. 🙂

  5. That is just amazing! I don’t even know if I can draw a nice simple tree. I know how to draw stick people only! LOL. I’ve tried painting abstract stuff before because it was required in my Design Fundamentals class back in college. I think I did pretty well. Such a great way to spend some time with friends. And you are one pretty preggers!

    • The fun part was seeing all the different interpretations of the painting from the other participants – some not so swirly trees, some changed up the color palette. There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to art. I had such a great time!

  6. It looks good! I really think I could possibly have the worst painting in the room if I were to try something like this.
    Tamara recently posted…There is a Third.My Profile

    • I liked this one because it was a whimsical tree – there’s no way any one could possibly mess this up because it was so fun and free-flowing. Now, if it were a Van Gogh or a recognizable painting that would be a different story. But I’m up for the challenge on one of those, too!

  7. Oh la la!! I love your work. I would love to join you next time 🙂
    For now it’s me in the office, music, and my beat-down paint brushes.
    I’m happy to see you blogging, again!
    I’ll admit it, in the past I’ve checked in to see if you posted any updates 🙂
    Mrs.AOK recently posted…Mommy Monday Blog Hop {73} #MondayForMomsMy Profile

  8. I have always wanted to take one of those classes. Your art looks great! I do not think mine would turn out as good LOL!
    Raquel recently posted…Exploring Wild Restaurant in Las VegasMy Profile

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