I’m All About That Bump

I’m 35 weeks into my third pregnancy and let me just say that people are so nice to pregnant women…at least, so nice to this pregnant woman!   People ask my how I’m doing all the time, strangers open doors for me, or passersby will look at my belly and smile.  Today, my co-worker offered to share half her donut with me.  I appreciate all the attention because I know from previous experience that once the baby is born, it’s all about that baby.  So while I have a few weeks where I can be all about that bump – here’s some FAQs that folks have asked me throughout this pregnancy.

A photo posted by Gracielle (@mommya_z) on

When’s your due date?

My due date is December 10, but I delivered Arielle at 36 weeks and Zavier at 38 weeks.  I’m currently 35 weeks and if this baby is on the early track like her big sis and bro, then she’ll definitely arrive before Thanksgiving!  Gobble, gobble.

Are you having a girl or a boy?

This one is on team pink!  I’m so excited for Arielle to have a sister because my sister and I are so close.  It’s literally like having a God-given BFF.

How are you feeling?

I’m tired all the time.  Like, all. the. time.  I don’t remember being tired like this with my other two pregnancies and that burst of energy that I was supposed to get during the second trimester never happened.  Maybe because my body is tired of making babies.

And if you want to know how I’m really feeling, I will tell you that my butt hurts.  There’s so much pressure on my tailbone that it hurts for me to sit at work or drive.  I say it so much that A&Z walk around and randomly say, “My butt hurts.”

What are you going to name the baby?

Uh oh.  I don’t know!

No matter what we name her, it’ll definitely not jive with “Mommy A-Z” because I named my blog after Arielle and Zavier.  Now I’m screwed.  I guess it depends on how you look at Mommy-A-dash-Z.  Is the dash all-encompassing?  For example, I can name her anything because it covers all the letters of the alphabet.  Or, should I go somewhere in the middle?  Like, have her name start with the letter M.  That’s a toughie.

Blog name aside, I don’t have any names that really strike my fancy.  Alyssa, Calista (“Callie”), Chloë, Ava, Emmy?  Those have crossed my mind.  My husband wants to name her Jamie after his late father.

You are how many weeks?! Your belly is so small!

This one kind of irks me.  What do you mean by “small”?  My response is usually a flustered explanation where I feel the need to defend the size of my belly: “Well, maybe it’s because I have a long torso, so the baby doesn’t pop out as much.”  or “Believe me, I’m eating enough for two.” or “My husband and I are relatively small people…”

From now on, I’m just going to respond with, “My doctor said my belly is growing just right and that the baby is healthy.”  Which is true.  I will say it firmly while looking that person directly in the eyes, nostrils flared.  Humph!

I guess I would feel more annoyed if people told me how huge I was.  When it comes to preggy women and their size, maybe it’s best just not to say anything at all.  We’re a sensitive bunch, you know.

You’re pregnant?  I didn’t know!

It’s kind of like that show, “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant” except I knew I was pregnant and you didn’t.  Wait…what?

There’s something about social media and the blogging world that makes a big fuss about pregnancies.  Not this time for us…maybe because this our the third one.  We didn’t publish an announcement on Facebook or do any special gender reveal surprises.  I didn’t post pictures of my growing belly week over week.  Don’t get me wrong, we are beyond thrilled and excited!  She’s already loved so much by mommy and daddy and her big sis and bro.  I just didn’t feel the need to draw attention to it on social media.  Sometimes, not over-sharing makes it more special so it’s mostly been a private journey for us.  Although close family and friends have been here for us along the way and that’s more than enough love and support we could ask for.

Do you feel pretty?

OK.  This question is not frequent, but I thought it was an odd one.  My family has this thing where they think I’m a pretty pregger lady because I’m having a girl.  So the other day my aunt asked me, “Do you feel pretty?” I was caught off guard and didn’t really know how to answer so I just responded, ” I feel great!” and then she stopped me and asked again, “No.  You look pretty, honey.  Do you feel pretty?”  I don’t remember how I responded.  I think I just shrugged and said, “Yeah, I guess…but my butt hurts.”

Now that that awkward moment is out of the way…Actually, yes.  I do feel pretty.  I think it’s the norm for pregnant women to complain about how fat they feel and point out negative things about their changing bodies.  I think it’s a beautiful thing that is happening – you know, the part about miracles, growing a life inside my body, God’s gift, etc.  Not to mention that my skin, nails, and hair are fabulous from all the prenatal vitamins, sleep, and water that I’ve been consuming.  I’m fascinated by my growing belly and like wearing clothes that show off my bump.  I think all women should allow themselves to feel pretty when they are pregnant.  And it shouldn’t be a bad thing.

Are you going to have more babies after this one?

Three is good.  Since we already have a girl and a boy, this one was our bonus baby.  I think three babies is my max limit physically, emotionally, and financially.

Are Arielle and Zavier excited for their baby sister to arrive?

Yes!  They are so excited and always ask when the baby is coming.  They love babies and don’t really get jealous when I hold other little babies.  They are both so sweet and talk to their sister in my belly.  One time, Zavier played peek-a-boo with her.  Just so sweet.  She’s a lucky little princess who has two siblings that love her so much already.


So I think that about wraps it up for the Q&A.  I seriously have to start nesting and thinking of names.  I still have time, right?

Thanks for reading along!  My posts are far and few between, but the best way you can catch me is on Instagram for any updates!

xoxo // gracielle.


  1. The questions people ask never cease to amaze me and I remember doing a post like this when I was pregnant with Des. I would love a third baby, and a girl, so you’re inspiring me!
    Tamara recently posted…This is Halloween, Everybody Make a Scene.My Profile

  2. I believe I allowed myself to be pretty when I was pregnant. And you’re right, it shouldn’t be a bad thing. In fact, it should be a great feeling! I’m really excited for you and your family. 🙂 I remember we never had a name for my son until I gave birth! So you still definitely have time.
    Rea recently posted…Finding Mom-me TimeMy Profile

  3. you look absolutely amazing! pregnancy suits you…despite what you say. i’m so looking forward to reading all of your updates 🙂
    catherine gacad recently posted…Child Care in San FranciscoMy Profile

  4. I swear you’re one of the hottest pregnant women EVER!! I’m happy for you & your family 😉
    This was such a cute post, will we get another one like this?
    Mrs.AOK recently posted…Mommy Monday Blog Hop {73} #MondayForMomsMy Profile

  5. I am sorry, but you made me laugh with your, “my butt hurts!”
    I have five boys myself and I fully remember that pain! The more kids I had, the worse the pain got, but I have to tell you… I would do it all over again if I could!!
    Bekki@a better way to homeschool recently posted…21 Thanksgiving Math Activities for Little OnesMy Profile

  6. You were the cutest pregnant lady EVER!

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