I Married the “Just Because” Kinda Guy

Valentine’s Day was just a week ago and it came and went just like any other day.  When Jeff and I started dating, I would expect big things on days like Valentine’s Day, my birthday, and our anniversary.  If he forgot to get me a card or plan a nice dinner, I would throw a diva-certified hissy fit.

Hashtag, highmaintenence.  Hashtag, notsomethingI’mproudof.

Over time, Jeff figured out that my language of love is “receiving gifts” and he got really good at filling up my love tank.  (OK, that sounds really bad, but if you read Gary Chapman’s book, you’ll know what I mean).  He’s does over-the-top gifts from a trip to Vegas on my 21st birthday, to a surprise momcave mini-makeover just this past Christmas:

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He even surprised me with a luxurious weekend in the city for Father’s Day one year.  He packed my clothes/makeup, all the baby gear, and even Coconut came along!  So I’m spoiled even on holidays that aren’t about celebrating me.

justbecause01 justbecause02

Big things on big holidays!  I don’t expect it anymore, especially now that we have kids and they get all our love, attention, and money.  But when he continues to surprise me with these grand gestures, it takes my breath away that he would go to such lengths just to make me smile.  I cry every time.

Going back to this past Valentine’s Day…there were no cards, no flowers, no chocolates.  I was actually cool with it.  No hissy fits, I promise!  It was a quick, “Happy Valentine’s Day, okay-gotta-go-to-work! Loveyou.bye!”  All my co-workers were buzzing about that day asking about Valentine’s Day plans.  Jeff had to work that night, so I kinda shrugged it off when they asked me.

When I got home, he had surprised me with … a clean house.  Some days, when he’s feeling up to it and the kids are behaving, he’ll clean up so that I can come home to a clean house after a hard day’s work.  Sweet.  (FYI, “acts of service” is my second language of love.)  Then he mentioned that he got me a little something and I found it sitting in the middle of our living room wrapped in Christmas paper.  He bought me a Keurig.  I didn’t ask for it, but he just knows I love coffee.  Thoughtful.  Then he went off to work and that was that.

The next night, we didn’t have any plans so he asked his mom if she could watch the kids for a few hours.  He took me to the city to eat at one of my favorite Spanish tapas restaurants.  Without reservations it was a 2 hour wait, but we found a few seats at the bar and had our meal there.  We split a half pitcher of sangria and tried small plates of goat cheese, dates wrapped in chorizo, and rioja-braised short ribs.

We watched the NBA All-Star 3 point contest and talked about…I don’t remember exactly.  I just remember that was just easy.  We were happy.  There were no phones (hence no pictures) or kids.  Just us.  I do remember laughing really hard about something he said on the way back to the car – I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t see where I was going and I had to hold onto his arm so I wouldn’t slip on the freshly fallen snow.

A few days later, he came home from work with a fresh bouquet of tulips.  For me?  Yes, for me.   Why?  No reason, just because.

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The Keurig, the dinner, the flowers…Those weren’t a “Valentine’s Day” show of affection, it was “just because.”  Just because he loves me, everyday.  In big ways through grand gestures and gifts, and in small ways like cleaning or being there for me and the kids and making us laugh.

I’m a lucky gal since I married the “just because” kind of guy that makes me feel loved like this everyday:


Hashtag, blessed.  Hashtag, thankyousomuch.  Hashtag, iloveyou.

xoxo // gracielle.


  1. This is one of the sweetest stories I have ever heard! I love the love languages book, it changed our marriage when we figured out what our love language was.

    I’m still jealous of you mom cave. Will he build me one too?
    NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner recently posted…Ask Away Friday With Dana From Kiss My ListMy Profile

  2. Ahhh the mom cave again! I want one! Lol! You guys are the sweetest.. I think it’s really nice that you’re not only celebrating Vday on the day itself.. you’re celebrating it everyday! Coming home to a clean house is something I always wish, haha sometimes it happens, most of the time it doesn’t, hehe. And Vegas bday treat was just wow.. 🙂 You’re indeed blessed..
    Rea recently posted…When Life Throws You LemonsMy Profile

  3. Your hashtags are used very amazingly.
    This is so sweet and sounds like my husband. Sometimes the lengths he will go to surprise me are movie-like. Often, like today, he got up with two kids and fed them AND gave them baths. AND dressed them adorably and with combed hair. I think that’s farther than I often get.
    I’m swooning for me and for you right now! Marrying the “just because” guy is nothing short of awesome.
    Tamara recently posted…In Which Des Takes Over My Ask Away Friday.My Profile

    • Yay for you and me! We are lucky girls indeed 🙂 I was so sick last Friday and Jeff was off (thank goodness). He told the kids that I had turned into a zombie so that they would stay away from me and I could get lots of rest. It worked! Well, Zavier whacked me in the stomach with his sword at one point and I heard Arielle saying, “Now we have to find a new mommy.” But I forgive them!

  4. Awww, what a sweet post! I know what you mean about the holidays like valentines getting smaller and smaller, and I used to be quite the diva, haha. And I totally got you the first time you mentioned love language and love tank! haha. Although now that I think about it, it probably does sound a bit odd to someone who’s never read the book.
    Roaen recently posted…Children’s Book Review | Pocket Mommy for the KindergartenerMy Profile

  5. Aww that is sweet 🙂 Sorry I am still laughing about filling up the love tank. hashtag hilarious I love tulips. They don’t really grow this far south but they always look so happy to me.
    Herchel S recently posted…Volunteering at the Elementary School–Why the jitters???My Profile

  6. Awwwww your man is a keeper!!! My hubs and I actually went out for Valentine’s Day but it was a place we went to five years ago, no frills, I told him actually don’t get me chocolates or flowers and he got me roses and a CAKE! CAKE!? Who does that lol! And he is a “just because” kind of guy too,the other night he surprised me and got me a watch that I needed for work and we walked around the city, he hates planning and rather be spontaneous, we didn’t have reservations for V-Day either in fact,we never make reservations! Those tulips are SO pretty! Brings some color to this drab winter we are having!

  7. I LOVE just because gestures. They mean a lot to me! Lucky girl!
    Shannon @Lady’s Little Loves recently posted…What We WoreMy Profile

  8. Ty Gassmann says:

    So sweet!

  9. Ahhh so lucky! Hopefully I'll have a love like this one say. :::sigh:::

  10. LOVE IT! He is definitely a keeper! 🙂 My hubby will surprise me sometimes and clean out my car…sounds silly, but trust me when I say it is a gift! :)-Ashley

  11. Awwwww, this is so sweet Gracielle! Sweet of your husband for being so amazing and sweet of you for writing this!! You both sound like such kind, loving people… I bet you’re a perfect match for one another. Yay for LOVE!
    Jennifer McCullough recently posted…I’m Guest Posting on Living Self-CareMy Profile

  12. can i nominate your hubby for husband of the year?!?!

  13. So sweet! It’s really those just because gestures that mean more than the big holiday surprises. I will take a just because any day!
    Susie (The Esthetic Goddess) recently posted…Anti-Aging Products That Actually WorkMy Profile

  14. This sounds so beautiful! Like you, once I got married and we got pregnant 4 months in so we had our son a month after our first anniversary, but once my son came into the picture, it made me see what truly mattered in marriage and in life. I honestly don’t really care for gifts at all like I used to. I’m so happy that we have a husband and father that is with us and taking care of us and covering us daily. So anything my husband would do, even if it’s like you said just doing the dishes or helping to clean more than normal around the house, I’m always so thankful. You definitely did marry a great “just because” kind of guy :). Oh and thank you thank you thank you for sharing this at Countdown in Style! xoxo
    Brittnei recently posted…Celebrating Shabbat as a Believer in YeshuaMy Profile

  15. That’s so sweet! Our Valentine’s Day was also pretty much a regular day too. Although we did go out for a sort of Valentine’s dinner the evening before. A mom cave… I want one too!!
    Jeanne recently posted…Can’t Contain My ExcitementMy Profile

  16. That is so sweet 🙂 I love your photos, so lovely! That last photo of your wedding you can see how much he loves you. You’re very lucky indeed hehe 😀 The “Just Because” always beats the “Because it’s Valentine’s Day” kinda guy so you win! Have a great one Gracielle! -Iva
    AwesomelyOZ recently posted…GTFO: Today is February 25th, 2006My Profile

    • Thanks, Iva! My family mentioned that one time, waaaay back when we first started dating that they can tell how much he loves me. I’m a lucky gal! Thanks for stopping by – have a great weekend!

  17. We don’t do much for Vday in this house, so I was surprised when hubby brought home a box of chocolates! They were yummy. I love when he surprises me “just because” since it really means “I’ve been thinking of you” and I love any day that he does. The pictures are beautiful. Thank you for linking up wiht Countdown in Style.
    April recently posted…#AskAwayFriday with TiffanyMy Profile

  18. Tameka Brown says:

    May God continue to bless your marriage.

  19. Dana Brillante-Peller says:

    You have a wonderful husband! I love the "just because" thoughtful things that he does for you. #SITSBlogging

  20. So sweet. I love the wedding picture, too. And of course, the #hashtags. You’re so funny. And so very lucky to have married the Just Because kinda guy! Mine makes me incredibly happy and spoils me so much, too. But there’s usually a reason. Maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll spoil me with a momcave makeover.
    Heather recently posted…February Monthly Review LinkupMy Profile

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