{Ask Away Friday} Questions with @JoyInTheMidstOf

Hello December! It’s the month of crazy holiday shopping, pictures with Santa, happiness and joy!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with #AskAwayFriday it’s an amazing way to meet new bloggers, make friends and ask some questions to get to know them better!  10 questions are exchanged and answered on your partners blog, you can get as creative as you want and even get into our purses!

As always, tried and true we have the partners in crime, the ladies who created #AskAwayFriday…the wonderful Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County and Amber from Bold Fab Mom!!

The Real Housewife of Caroline County

Our co-hosts for the month of December are here as well!  All new ladies who have been wonderful additions to the #AskAwayFriday week after week!  Show them some love by stopping by their blogs!

The Green Eyed Lady Blog


This week I’m so excited to be exchanging questions with Stevie from Joy in the Midst Of… I met her through SITS, a supportive blogging community, when I was new to socializing with other bloggers.  I was nominated for a Liebster Award, which is similar to #AskAwayFriday, but instead you have to ask 11 new bloggers to participate in a Q&A.  That forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and actually connect with other bloggers – one the people I nominated was Stevie.

I was immediately drawn to her blog because her of her writing.  Sometimes I stop and read a sentence again to soak up how beautifully she can put words together.  She talks about real life stuff – sometimes happy and silly, but sometimes emotional and painful.  The first post I read was Baby Sister, I was  Unprepared and I’ve been hooked ever since.

AskAwayFriday with Joyinthemidstof

Here are the 10 questions that Stevie asked me this week:

I think you already know this, but you seriously have the cutest kids ever.  What is one lesson or value you are hoping to instill in them?

I hope to instill the Filipino culture in them.  I’m a first-generation Filipino-American and I can already see how much of the Filipino culture is lost between my parents and my sister and me.  The language, for one, is already lost with me.  So I hope to carry on whatever values and traditions that I still have such as the food, emphasis on family and God, to be humble, hospitable, and kind …

As I’ve already confessed, I have total babies on the brain.  Tell me a favorite memory from one of your pregnancies?

Besides guilt-free ice cream binges?  My favorite pregnancy moment was when Jeff and I went to Anna Maria Island with my parents and sis when I was about 6 months preggo with Arielle.  My bump was just starting to show.  It was the perfect day and we had just had lunch and the most amazing scoop of vanilla ice cream I’ve ever had (I’m usually a chocolate kinda girl).  Then, we all ran up and down the beach looking for seashells.  It’s probably not just my favorite memory from one of my pregnancies, but one of my favorite memories of all time.  We were all happy, and it’s the last time I remember the care-free feeling of being my parents’ kid before I became a mother to my own kids.


Speaking of motherhood, what is your most embarrassing “Mom” moment?

It was an unseasonably warm winter day and I was in the thick of Christmas shopping last year.  I found a ton of really great presents for my nieces and nephews at Michael’s. They were crafty gifts in large awkward boxes and I was having a hard time carrying them while pushing the double-decker stroller through the tight and cluttered aisles.  It was hot and Zavier started to have a melt-down so I tried taking off his jacket, but by then he was in full tantrum mode.  Then Arielle stared crying, too.

I remember standing in a long line with boxes underneath the stroller, piled on top of the stroller, while holding a basket with more boxes in one hand and pushing the stroller with the other hand.  I was doing mental gymnastics trying to count the kids to make sure I didn’t miss anyone, while the kids were screaming and crying.  I just avoided eye contact with all the other shoppers, but I could feel them glaring at me.  I was hot and sweaty.  By the time I got to the cashier, I just muttered, “Make this quick, we gotta get out of here.”

And then I realized that I forgot. my. wallet. at. home.  I was so embarrassed and flustered and hot.  Did I mention it was hot?   I just apologized left everything right there on the counter and ran out of that store as fast as I could with my double decker stroller and screaming children.

Many of your readers and blogging buddies have commented on your fabulous sense of style.  And I know that you love lipstick!  Let’s talk beauty products, drug store or department store?  Any favorite brands?

I mostly wear MAC cosmetics and recently started wearing Urban Decay eye shadows.  I’m usually a thrifty shopper, but drug store products tend to stink and lipsticks that have that lipstick-y taste make want to barf-ola.  Plus, I have sensitive skin so I tend to stick to brands/products that I know won’t mess me up so I tend to splurge a little when it comes to cosmetics.

As a working mom, I imagine the weekends are special times with the family.  What does your Saturday morning routine look like?

I like making pancakes for A&Z on Saturday mornings.  Sometimes we add chocolate chip or blueberry happy faces.  I don’t know if they like it because I make stellar pancakes or if they just like the syrup.  I try to attend #SITSSharefest if we don’t have anywhere to be; otherwise, we’re rushing to get ready for a birthday party, ballet class, or other events throughout the day.


I love reading the stories about your marriage and relationship with Jeff.  How would you describe your marriage personality?

I would describe it as “coo coo in the poo poo.”  That was a phrase that Jeff used to say a lot when I first met him.  It means It’s all good! Chillin’. No worries.

Speaking of marriage, and Jeff, what’s something that Jeff does that cracks you up or drives you nuts?

He’s a goof ball, so he always cracks me up.  But anytime I ask him to help me with something, all of a sudden he has to poop.  Can you change Zavier’s diaper?  He has to go poop.  Can you take out the garbage? After he’s done pooping.  Can go you see why the kids are screaming? No, he’s currently pooping.  I think you get the pattern.

He also seems to always have leisure time, unlike me where I feel like I’m constantly working or cleaning or doing something.  For example, he has time to work out at home.  Good for him, but the unequal time distribution drives me nuts.

So the other day, I was blogging while the kids were hanging out with me in the office and Jeff was watching TV in the family room.  I told Arielle that we should all go to the family room and spend time with Daddy and she replied, “OK! What are we going to do?  Work out or go poo?”

I nearly died.  The kid speaks the truth, y’all!

We are basically the same age.  I remember watching cartoons as a kid, and when I see the kids shows today, they just don’t seem as cool.  What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

Tiny Toon Adventures!  I think I was supposed to say Smurfs, Care Bears, Rainbow Brite, or Shera – but honestly, I don’t remember watching those.  I remember watching Tiny Toons like it was just yesterday.  Maybe it was just yesterday because I think A&Z watch that show too now.

I loved the story of Coconut and I love his little sweaters.  Are you like me and do you spoil him a little?  What’s one dog mom thing you do that’s a little ridiculous?

Before I had A&Z, I really treated Coconut like he was my real baby.  I took him to the park on his birthday.  Not a dog park, but a children’s park.  I traveled with him everywhere.  Fact:  Coconut has been on more plane rides than Zavier.  He has in his own carrying case that was also a car seat.  It was a little ridiculous, but I’ve calmed down a lot since I had real babies.

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I remember we compared notes on what it felt like to turn 30.  Now that you are into your thirties how is it different than being in your twenties?

Being in my twenties was so transitional.  Finishing college to starting my career.  Moving out of my parents’ house to buying my own house.  Clubbin’ with my girls to having a family nights with my hubs and two babies.  It was all exciting, but I didn’t know anything!  I just fumbled my way through it with the help from my family and friends.

I feel like all that transition dust is starting to settle in my 30s.  I’m sure I’ll continue to evolve and learn new things; however,  I want to take things I’ve learned along the way and refine them and get really good at the things that matter.

Thanks so much for swapping questions with me, Stevie!  For those of you who have also participated in #AskAwayFriday, don’t forget to link up below!! Or, get to know some other bloggers who participated this week!
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xoxo // gracielle.


  1. OMG! You’re not the only one who has forgotten their wallet at checkout. I have totally done this before and yes, it’s so embarrassing! Thank you for co-hosting with us this month! 🙂
    The Bold Fab Mom recently posted…Ask Away Friday With Christy at Uplifting FamiliesMy Profile

  2. I am cracking up at your Jeff has to poop when there are chores to be done stories! Arielle does speak the truth! How suspicious. And the picture of your dog riding the rocking horse is cracking me up too. You have to check out my friend’s blog from the other day: http://ifyoucouldseewhatisee.blogspot.com/2013/12/rocking-maggie.html
    See the similarity? And lastly, my kids had double meltdowns in Target the other day. Luckily I had my wallet, but man, that is not fun.
    Tamara recently posted…Can I Really Do This?My Profile

  3. I love these! It’s so fun getting a little glimpse into the lives of fellow mamas!
    Shannon@ Lady’s Little Loves recently posted…What we woreMy Profile

    • That’s why I totally <3 AskAwayFriday! You really get to know other bloggers more than the typical blog hop 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Shannon! Hope you have a great Christmas with your family!!

  4. Penny Chevalley says:

    awesome job co-host!!!

  5. I love Stevie! What a great Ask Away Friday pairing!!
    I had an embarrassing moment at Michael’s back in the day, too!! Bobby was 2 and in the cart. I had my side to him. Unbeknownst to me, he grabbed some items in a display and the ENTIRE THING TUMBLED DOWN. It was a mess. All eyes were upon us. To make matters worse, he laughed and laughed like he’d done it on purpose (which I think he actually did) LAWD I wanted to crawl out of there!
    I ADORE the coconut pictures on the park bouncy horse!! Bwahahaha. He looks so happy! He’s even smiling at the camera in the second photo!! Awesome!! Hahahaha!! –Lisa

  6. Great answers! Oh wow, out of the mouths of babes! Kids sure do say the darnedest things! LOL! My kids love it when I make them special pancakes with chocolate chips and/or peanut butter chips. Hope you have a great weekend!
    Stacey Gannett recently posted…#AskAwayFriday 20 with Melissa from Home on Deranged!My Profile

  7. I’m glad that you’d still want to instill the Filipino values/culture to your kids. I’m a fellow Filipina and I’m soo happy to meet you here! 🙂 My husband also always says he has to poop whenever I ask him to do something, hahaha and I’m kind of relieved I’m not the only one who has the same experience, LOL. It’s driving me nuts too, I guess that’s a strategy huh? Enjoyed reading your answers today! 😀
    Rea recently posted…#AskAwayFriday with Homemaking With StyleMy Profile

    • So nice to meet you Rea! That’s probably a universal hubby strategy. There’s another one – where I get home from work and my son has poop in his diaper…my husband claims that “it just happened” but I know deep down inside that he was saving that poopy diaper for me to change!

      • I knew it! Hahaha my husband does the same thing! Hahaha this is so funny. And btw, I just read your comment on my post and yes, I live in the Philippines and never been outside the country, hehehe. Hope to keep in touch!! 🙂
        Rea recently posted…A Street Date!My Profile

        • Definitely! I’m following you along on Bloglovin’ so I don’t miss a post. I’m glad my husband is not the only one. Actually, most of the women here commented that their husbands do the same. Must be built into their DNA.

  8. OMGeee! I had a forgot my wallet moment this week! Girl my Kiddies aren’t even babies anymore and it was crazy! We had a long day and were ending it with dance classes (which by the way are 2 hours of waiting and sitting because they are back to back). we were on our way home it was late and we were all tire. They wanted McDonalds shoot so did I! placed our order (for 8) then realized …No Wallet! Pulled out of the drive thru with crying kiddies and a near tears Momma…LOL
    Tiffany recently posted…#AskAwayFriday W/ Miss Dre From …So She Writes By Miss DreMy Profile

  9. Great questions, Stevie!! And great Answers, Gracielle! I’m going to say that your husband and mine seem to have a lot in common, then I’m just going to leave it at that!! LOL! 😉
    Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…#AskAwayFriday: Anniversary Style!My Profile

  10. They’re tiny, they’re tooney, they’re all a little looney, and in this cartooney they’re invading your TV! Haha, I loved Tiny Toons! And Animaniacs! What a crack up about Jeff’s suspicious tendencies. You were such a cute preggo lady, and I love the graphic you created. Actually there is nothing I don’t love about this post. And by the way, I’m obsessed with pancakes. I like to try every restaurant to see who has the best. I haven’t perfected the art of making them yet but I want to get that down. I want my future babies to have pancake Saturday mornings too!
    Stevie recently posted…Ask Away Friday with Gracielle of Mommy A-ZMy Profile

    • LOL When I was answering your question, I started to write down the Tiny Toons song (without google’ing it) but I got to just about as far as you did! I’m a total pancake connoisseur, too! You should give your husband a heads up that you’ve got a tip on suspicious husband behavior and he better not try any moves like that when the baby arrives! Thanks again for all the great questions, Stevie.
      Gracielle recently posted…{Ask Away Friday} Questions with @JoyInTheMidstOfMy Profile

  11. Great answers, I was cracking reading about your meltdown moment and your husbands need to go when you need him to help out. I too try to avoid eye contact when my son is having a tantrum in public. However, I do have to confess that as a stay at home mom I’ve taken a bathroom break
    (I use the poop excuse with my husband) to get away from my kids and have a couple of minutes to myself. I can’t stay in the bathroom too long because my youngest will be knocking on the door.
    Sonya K recently posted…Free Movie: Elf on Google PlayMy Profile

  12. Hi Gracielle,
    I too had a fur baby before my baby was born. Her name is Pepper and she’s 13 years old. She has kidney failure and when she dies ( hopefully not for a long time yet ) I’m going to be beside myself.
    I think that husband poo business is more common that just your Jeff. I’m not naming any names, but I’ll just say it sounds really familiar. 🙂
    Jennifer McCullough recently posted…Funny Santa Photos With Even Funnier CaptionsMy Profile

  13. Its nice to read your blog . I have been here lol

  14. “Coo coo in the poo poo”!! OMG I die.
    And the husband needing to poo when something happens? Must be a man thing because it happens over here too. 🙂
    Alison recently posted…#AskAwayFriday with A Cookie Before DinnerMy Profile

  15. Your little dog is adorable! Hi Coconut! Oh I remember the tantrum ages. (I had four in car seats at the same time, back before kids sat in car seats until they were 8-9 years old! The lucky thing was I did not need a work out, because they were the work out!

    Shopping online is so fabulous. Your kids can melt down at home and you can’t forget your wallet! Amazon Prime is one of my favorite ‘inventions’.
    tammigirl recently posted…Rocking MaggieMy Profile

  16. Oh wow, you poor girl! When I see mom’s having trouble with kiddie tantrums, I want to run over and help them, but being a stranger, not all mom’s would appreciate that. (All you mom’s, know that I am feeling your pain.) Kids have tantrums, they cry, dogs bark, birds chirp. Get over it people-complainers. We’ve all been there, most of us. We are all behind you! The kiddies are cuties, and Coconut, she’s a doll.
    Merry Christmas!
    Wendy May recently posted…#AskAwayFriday, #20My Profile

    • I wish more people had empathy for moms who’s kiddies have meltdowns in public. Coconut is my first baby – he’s a boy, but he gets that a lot! I guess people think that something so cute must be a girl. LOL Merry Christmas to you too!

  17. Now I definitely have the Tiny Toons theme song in my head 🙂 I’ve definitely totally missed this Ask Away Friday thing, but it’s awesome – I’m reading through several of them now and love everything I’m learning. And I’m thinking I need to start making my kids breakfast on Saturday mornings – you’re such a supermom!
    Katie E recently posted…Year in Review Part 2 – April through JuneMy Profile

    • Thanks, Katie! It’s not too late to jump in on Ask Away Friday. My stint as a co-host ends in Dec, but I still plan on playing along. Would you like to swap questions on any particular Friday in January?

  18. Love hearing about personal stuff from these questions. I could just picture your embarrassing moment at Micheals. That would be something that would happen to me. lol. Found you from Tamara’s awesome blog!
    Tess recently posted…powdered donut (biscuit)My Profile

  19. Oh I completely cringed with you over the forgetting your wallet. I did that once at the grocery store with a cart full of groceries. It’s still embarrassing to remember and I didn’t have cranky kids with me! Loved all your questions and answers!
    Heather recently posted…Twelve Days of Christmas Toddler StyleMy Profile

  20. I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to come over and comment. I’m in my first trimester for baby #2 and girl, the morning sickness and the fatigue is real right now! I feel horrible that it takes me so long to read blogs now. I always want to just lay down and nap off and on lol. I didn’t realize you are Filipino. So wonderful that you want to share your culture with your kids. That meltdown moment sounds so real, girl. I’ll be right there with you with lugging around 2 in my double stroller 🙂 Coco is so cute. I had to show hubby the pictures with the dog at the park. Too funny. 🙂
    Brittnei recently posted…Holly Bloggy Christmas Party Reveal Day!My Profile

    • OMG!!! Congrats to you on expecting your 2nd 🙂 Don’t be sorry at all – get all the sleep and rest you need. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and get lots of rest!!

  21. omg, I’ve had the same thing happen to me in a store…I think it’s happened to most of us one time or another! it’s the worst experience when you are in it, but fun to laugh about it after! I’m heading for my 40’s…my 30’s just flew by…enjoy!
    Jen @ Virtually Vegan Mama recently posted…Apple Brandy Cranberry SauceMy Profile

    • Thanks for stopping by, Jen! I still stay far away from that store if I have the kids with me. The wounds are still fresh. LOL I’m enjoying my 30s so far 🙂 Have a merry Christmas with your family!!


  1. […] Happy Friday everyone!  Hope you’re all staying warm and sane.  Be sure to check out my questions for Gracielle! […]

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