Turkey, Netflix, and Lights

Woah there, turkey!  Thanksgiving came and went just like that, and then BOOM – Christmas is suddenly upon us.  I get so caught up in all the craziness that I forget to stop and document what’s really going on.  So here’s a recap of this Thanksgiving and the weekend – highlights, lowlights, and everything in between.

Let’s start with the in-between, shall we?  Here’s what happened:  I got a Netflix account + I got Google Chromecast + I started watching Breaking Bad.  So between Thanksgiving events, late at night after the kids were sleeping, before going out in the morning, while washing dishes – I was watching Breaking Bad and all its dark drama glory.  I just can’t stop!  I’m on season 2, episode 3 so far.  So I apologize in advance if my blog is not updated or if I don’t respond to your emails, tweets, or FB posts.

Jeff had to work on Thanksgiving, so A&Z and me did the Thanksgiving party hop without him.  The first stop was at my dear Tita (aunt) Myrna’s house, where I got a chance to spend time with my cousins.  So much can happen in a year’s time, so I was thankful that I got to catch up and hug them tight.  Not to mention seeing A&Z’s guapo cousin Chase from Delaware – what a cutie pie!

thanksgiving 01

thanksgiving 02

Then we went off to the “no kids” Thanksgiving dinner at my Tita Jelyn’s house that actually turned out to be a nice time.  She hired a babysitter to hang out with A&Z while the grown-ups ate a 4 course meal that included two entrees!

thanksgiving 03

IMG_3819 Thanksgiving 05 Thanksgiving 04 Thanksgiving 06We also stopped by Jeff’s family’s Thanksgiving for a few minutes to pop in and say hello, which was literally next door to our house.  I was so pooped that I didn’t get a chance to snap pics.

Friday thru Sunday was a blur between working, not really shopping, a few trips to Starbucks, and putting up Christmas lights!  The weather was beautiful and the kids got one last chance to play outside in the leaves that somehow never raked themselves or threw themselves in the garbage in time for the last yard waste pickup.

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Jeffrey put up the Christmas lights we had from last year that were the LCD cool white lights. I remember not liking them that much, but when the were finally up I remembered that I actually HATED them.  Those dim blue lights don’t look like Christmas at all; they look like something that would be used to light up a meth lab.  Whoopsie!  Was that a reference to Breaking Bad?  I’m telling you, I can’t stop watching or thinking about that show!

Ahem!  Anyway, Jeffrey took down the meth blue lights and put up traditional lights that were from my parents’ house years ago.  We bought more lights to frame our windows and we even bought a new outdoor lighted Christmas tree!  I feel all warm and Christmas-y just looking out the windows at night.

So this is a ridiculously long post, but that is what happens when I try to document my life.  I want to capture everything like a blogging hoarder junkie, including this FB post that my friends and family got a kick out of:
Thanksgiving 07
Hope that gave you a good chuckle!
Thanks for reading 🙂 I’m done. The end. OKthanksbye.
xoxo // gracielle.


  1. I’m pretty sure our blue lights look like meth lab lights too, not that I would know, though!
    Yes the holiday season is upon us with full force. I even did some shopping (online) but I still have awhile to go.
    Tamara recently posted…That Time I’m Certain My Life Was In Danger..My Profile

    • I did some shopping online, too! I designed custom tshirts and ordered them to be printed for my nieces and nephews – all 15 of them! Such a relief to get the kids’ gifts out of the way…the rest of the shopping should be a breeze! I didn’t include it in this post because it would spoil the surprise for my family members 😉

  2. Your lights look gorgeous! 🙂 I think I am going to make Breaking Bad my summer show…every single person I know says it is the best thing they have ever seen.-Ashley

    • Ashley, I must warn you that it is such an addicting show! All the Dose fans will be upset (including me) if you get consumed by the show and stop blogging. LOL

  3. Those LED lights only are good for decorating fences; they don’t belong on a house! LOL

    Netflix ROX!
    Cassi recently posted…Wantable Makeup Box ReviewMy Profile

    • Yeah, those LED Christmas lights are just not for me. Did you put your lights up yet?

      My kids and I are making the most of our 30-day free trial of Netflix. I might just *have* to get the monthly service to feed my TV show addictions. 🙂

  4. I love these pictures! Pretty Christmas lights! I need to start watching Breaking Bad. Everyone raves about it!
    Amber recently posted…That Time I Messed Up Elf on the ShelfMy Profile

    • I only started to notice everyone raving about it on my FB feed and at work the week when the last episode was going to air. So I finally gave in and started watching it…it’s REALLY good. Thanks for stopping by, Amber!

  5. Irene Sandiego says:

    Nothing like getting together with your loved ones during this festive season. Great to see the warmth and celebration on holidays. Luv the Christmas lights on your beautiful house. This is building wonderful memories with the kids and is a tradition that they will carry through for the rest of their lives just like when you were little. Luv ya!

  6. Sounds like an awesome Thanksgiving!! Your house looks amazing. We haven’t gotten much decorating done yet. I am trying to wait for a time we are all home together. That might not be until Saturday. 🙁
    Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…The Mother of All Meltdowns: Gift Idea and Giveaway!My Profile

  7. hehe you’re funny. i have to sometimes watch my rambles or my posts can go on for miles. ha. anyway, looks like you had a great Thanksgiving, love all the pix and the house looks fab! 🙂
    melanie recently posted…Celebrating Baby’s Firsts + GiveawayMy Profile

  8. Sounds like a great season so far! Love Breaking Bad!!! 🙂
    Crystal recently posted…Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party: These Crazy, Stressful HolidaysMy Profile

    • Thanks, for stopping by Crystal! My husband and I are “addicted” to Breaking Bad. I just need to watch the entire series this weekend so I can get on with my life!

  9. I am so glad I stumbled across your blog. Can you let me know how you like the Chromecast? We are debating going with that or getting a Netflix enabled BluRay player. Neither of us is all that techy, so I’m not sure which one would be a better choice. Your pictures are great! #SITSSharefest
    Adrian recently posted…3 Surprisingly Simple Tips for Healthy EatingMy Profile

    • Hi Adrian! Thanks so much for stopping by! I love my Google Chromecast device so far! I guess it all depends on whether you have a lot of BluRay discs or plan on getting more in the future. However, if you just watch a lot of movies and TV shows on Netflix I would highly suggest the chromecast. It’s only $35! It’s easy to setup as long as you know your WiFi name and password. The quality seems pretty good and it doesn’t drain the battery on my smart phone device or iPad which is good. Good luck with your decision. I hope this helped in some way. 🙂


  1. […] traditions that will be a part of A&Z’s childhood memories.  Last weekend we put up the outdoor lights and this weekend we decorated indoors and put up our […]

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