Zavier’s First Stitch

Zavier Stitch

Labor Day weekend started off with a BOOM…well, actually more like a SPLAT!  Followed by crying, lots of blood, and Zavier’s first stitch.  

I was working from home this morning and the kids were following Jeff upstairs to get Coconut.  All of a sudden, Zavier just fell and smashed his face on the hardwood floor.  He bit his lower lip with his upper teeth, which resulted in a huge gash inside his mouth.  Good thing Jeff is a paramedic – he stays calm in situations like this and knew that he’d probably need stitches.  Check it out!

WARNING: Icky bloody pictures ahead. View at your own risk.

Zavie Stitches 2


Zavier Stitch 3

He took it like a champ!  He was pretty calm by the time we arrived at the emergency clinic.  He only cried when the doctor applied the local anesthetic and when the actual stitch went in.   For the rest of the day, Zavier went about his business like nothing happened – jumping off furniture, running full speed throughout the house – while I cringed and begged him to slow down.  Little stinker!

Zavier James is 2.5 years old.

xoxo // gracielle


  1. Ouch! I remember days like that when my son and daughter were little. So glad to see cute little Zavier is doing well.
    Teresa recently posted…Shrimp QuesadillasMy Profile

  2. Poor boy! He looks pretty calm with his mama.
    Katie E recently posted…Mommy Daughter Dates #iPPPMy Profile

  3. How scary! My son had stitches last year and I was so nervous about them healing.
    JDaniel4’s Mom recently posted…{Read.Explore.Learn} The Pirate of Kindergarten ActivitiesMy Profile

  4. Christine Sandiego says:

    Poor Zavy! Looks like it would hurt. xoxo

  5. that last pic…my heart melted…what a cute little boy…I am glad he is feeling better and back to his old self, LOL

    I am so scared that Dino will hurt himself pretty badly with all his running, jumping, and craziness.
    karen recently posted…SILLY SUNDAY and WEEKLY ROUNDUP 9-1My Profile

  6. Ouch… poor little guy! The same thing happened to my daughter at that age. She also had to get one stitch.
    Jeanne recently posted…A Mini HiatusMy Profile

  7. Hi Gracielle! First of all, you are stunning and your son is adorable, stitches and all! My youngest cut the tip of her finger off about a year ago, and I thought it was going to be this horrible nightmare. Kids heal so quickly, she was fine in a week, and you can’t even tell where the cut was!
    Shannon@MishmashMama recently posted…Blogging Tips from A Total Rookie: Bloggy Moms Blog HopMy Profile

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