{Friday Faves} Convos with My 2 Year Old

Happy Friday Faves, y’all! I’m obsessed with this YouTube series called, “Convos with My 2 Year Old.” It’s actual conversations between a father and his 2-year-old daughter, but re-enacted with another full-grown man. HIL.AR.I.OUS Seriously, I was laughing so hard that there was no sound coming out of my mouth. I didn’t know I could do that, I thought you could only cry so hard that no sound would come out of your mouth.

There are 8 episodes so far, here are my faves:

I love it because the convos seem authentic – having a talkative 4-year-old and a barely talking 2-year-old myself – the negotiations, the randomness, and the silliness are spot on. And the full-grown man that plays the two-year-old deserves an Oscar. His comedic timing is impeccable and wears the little bows and outfits to match the character he plays. The humor is in the details. My favorite is when they swap out the man with the real Coco. Adorable!

…I told you I was obsessed! Season 2 starts in September. I can’t wait!!

xo // gracielle.


  1. I have never heard of that show before, but it makes me think I need to start my own show with my two year old! Lol. She is the most talkative child EVER!! People always ask how old she is because she is so friendly and outgoing. She cracks us up constantly!
    Jen @ PinkWhen recently posted…Saturday Favorites! My Profile

    • Two-year olds are the best and what comes out of their mouth can be so unpredictable! My daughter was the same way when she was 2, but not my son. Girls must be born with the chatter gene! LOL Thanks for stopping by!

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