Chicago, You Taste Good.

…and so do you, Robin Thicke. Ha ha! I wish.
Taste of Chicago 2013

Jeff and I had a date sans A&Z at the Taste of Chicago where we caught Robin Thicke in concert. Just 24 hours before that, I got a serious beat down at work – so an afternoon full of food, music, food, beautiful weather, food, dancing, wine, and more food in my favorite city with my favorite guy was definitely in order.

It was a perfect sunny, breezy day. We both felt so incredibly light, literally, because we could just get up and go without having to fuss with car seats, strollers, etc. There were even moments where we held hands – just like how couples do on a real date.

We parked our car near the Blue Line and Jeff bought my favorite tacos in the whole wide world from Taco Burrito King. I ate it on the train while reading the Red Eye. That’s wassup:
TBK + redeye. #chicity #blueline #thatswassup

We ran into some friends and had a little time to kill before the concert, so we munched on corn and then a frozen chocolate covered banana. Estelle was the opening act for Robin Thicke. She killed it:

I was up dancing and singing along, with the energy of the city of Chicago running through my veins and it felt good. All the toddler whining, stresses from work and being a busy working mother faded away…that is until I looked down at my feet at my poor neglected, nasty ass crusty toes. Eww.
Someone please take me for a pedicure!! #unsexy #nastyasscrustytoes

Then Robin Thicke came out – lookin oh so fine in his suit – and errbody went crazy for one my favorite songs of the summer 2013:

As much as I love Robin Thicke, the rest of his set was just…meh. His songs are sloooow and sleepy time. It would have been perfect for a dark lounge or jazz bar with candles and wine. See what I mean:

I still enjoyed it, I just didn’t think the outdoor venue at the Taste of Chicago didn’t mesh well with his slow, sexy vibe. He turned it up again and performed Blurred Lines again to close out the show.

Oh, and what’s the Taste of Chicago without a little guilt-free pigging out? We maxed out on BBQ pulled pork sliders, African jerk chicken, toasted ravioli, up until they stopped serving food.
WE SHUT IT DOWN! So thank you Chicago & Robin Thicke for a wonderful date night with my hubs.
Goodnight, Chicago.

What was the last date you went on? I’d love to hear it!

xo // gracielle.


  1. How fun! I love that song, Blurred Lines! And I love Robin Thicke’s singing but he always seems like a douche during interviews. That or he’s always drunk. He always wears sunglasses during his indoor interviews and I think that’s shady. Last date night? We snuck away to see World War Z. But we have a big date coming up…a weekend in Vegas!

    Visiting from SITS!

    • Thanks for stopping by, Shauna! Yes, he’s probably drunk. I love his music, but forgot to mention that he could also use better moves. He was gyrating his hips in a way that made me uncomfortable. LOL! Have FUN in Vegas!

  2. Jasmine MonCheri says:

    This is the last date that I went on but My boyfriend and I did do a restaurant hop this summer. We had drinks at one restaurant, appetizers at another (and drinks), and the dinner at one. It was really fun to try new restaurants with him!

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