Fourth of July 2013

We had an all-American 4th of July this year: Fireworks, BBQ, and a day off of work!  I’m not going to lie, that last one was my favorite part besides freedom, liberty, and all the other patriotic reasons why we celebrate the 4th of July.

We caught fireworks last Saturday nearby our old townhome.  It’s my favorite place to catch fireworks because it’s never crowded and they set off the fireworks so close to the crowd, that it literally feels as if the fireworks are exploding on top of your head.  A&Z, however, didn’t share my enthusiasm:

AZ Fireworks

I love how their emotions are so clearly displayed on their little facial expressions.  Actually, Arielle LOVED it and kept jumping up and down screaming, “Holy cow!!” Not sure where she got that phrase from.  Zavier didn’t like it so much.  He mumbled “boom, boom” when the first few fired off, but then started crying like a baby.  Poor thing.  I guess when you’re 2, loud explosions that are falling on your head aren’t such good idea of fun.  You’ll like ’em next year, Zavie.  I promise.

For the actual Independence Day, we headed over to Jeff’s side of the family to enjoy barbecue, biking, and popsicles.  Here are the pics.  Enjoy!

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How’d you celebrate Independence Day this year?  I’d love to hear it!



  1. Lovely photos! My children were scared around that age too. LOL!

    We didn’t do anything for the holiday but eat and rest. And I don’t regret it one bit.
    Carla recently posted…Mommy ChaperoneMy Profile

  2. Mrs. Pancakes says:

    Looks like the perfect 4th!!

  3. What adorable pictures!! My daughter didn’t like fireworks until she was about 4. They were just too loud for her! It rained here on the 4th so we didn’t get to see any fireworks this year except for what was on TV. 🙁 Glad you got to see some even if they were too loud!!
    The Dose of Reality recently posted…Pinterest Nightmare #001: The Nightmares That Started Them AllMy Profile

  4. Your little ones are so adorable. We didn’t do much this year, but I did get to visit my brand new nephew for a couple hours and that was amazing. Looks like you all had a great time!
    Stevie recently posted…Kicking It Old SchoolMy Profile

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