Zavier 2.0

Zavier 2.0 Oh, boy!  At two-years-old, Zavier has my heart wrapped around his grubby little finger.  My favorite thing about him is that his favorite person is me!  Or as he simply calls me: “Mommy.”

When he wakes up in the morning, he calls to me from his crib, “Mooommy!  Mommy?”

Then, when he goes to bed, he sweetly says, “Nye, Mommy. Ah, Mommy.”  (Good night, Mommy.  I love you, Mommy.)

And throughout the day, he tells me things. I have no idea what he is saying, but I know he is talking to me because he addresses me directly in every sentence:  “Meeh neh, Mommy.” “Ooh dat, Mommy?” “Oot snah, Mommy! Eeeee!  Mommy, eeee!”   He’s a lazy talker, but he tries.  I just wish I knew what he’s saying half the time. I wonder if that makes a bad mom because I thought being a parent means that I understand my child’s special language. If I were to guess, he’s probably talking about one of his favorite things: Nemo, fruit snacks, or his big sis, “Aye-yell.”

Even though he doesn’t speak clearly, Zavie still knows a lot of stuff.  He can point to objects and people if you ask him to identify them.  He can sing the alphabet in all vowels and can also tell you what sound each animal makes.  He can deliver a knock-knock joke to get girls’ attention.  He can help me feed Coconut, but instead of paying him an allowance for helping – I pay him in high-fives and he’s quite alright with that.  He can also respond to basic commands like, “give me the remote,” “throw your diaper away,” and “don’t hit your sister!”

He doesn’t jump and climb on stuff so I don’t need to strap a helmet on him, which is what I worried about when I found out I was having a boy.  However, he still does things to make me believe that the age two is, in fact, terrible:

  • Lying on the floor in public places
  • Running with his eyes closed
  • Banging his head on the ground when he is throwing a tantrum
  • Licking the counter and fixtures at the buffet
  • Growling at strangers
  • Saying “hi” to the ladies, then introducing them to his mommy, daddy, and sister.
  • Checking the in-betweens for of each and every toe for toe jam after taking off his socks
  • Falling asleep in random places

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If you want to get inside Zavier’s head for about 3 minutes, I bet this is what it’s like according to this blog post from Jason Good (click here).  I think he pretty much nailed it, especially the part about pushing buttons!

Right now we’re working on keeping a clean face.  He always has crust, snot, chocolate, or some kind of food on his face.  Just look, the picture below has all three!  Yuck.  I’ll wipe it and then 5 minutes later, there’s something new and crusty in its place.  We’re also working on growing out that bad haircut.  LOL

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So far, Zavier at 2.0 is a keeper.  His big sister Arielle has such a big personality and talks so much that I think he gets often times gets overlooked.  I can’t wait for everyone to appreciate what a sweet and funny lil’ guy he is, too.  For example, Arielle got invited to fly to Connecticut to attend my sister’s graduation with me later this month, but Zavier wasn’t invited and has to stay home with his daddy.  He won’t understand or even remember, but I do and I feel terrible about it.  So sometimes I let Zavier hang out with me a little longer past bedtime for extra attention and cuddles.  Shh! Don’t tell Arielle!

I love my little guy!

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  1. Awesome Gracielle. Luv and miss our little sweet handsome Zavi.

  2. Kerstinx says:

    He’s salty then sweet!

  3. What a little cutie!! Nevermind that business about being two!! hahaha It’s easy to overlook the temper tantrums when they’re just so darned cute:) Well, sometimes. Try not to worry too much about his speech. He’ll get there:)
    Jennifer McCullough recently posted…Monsters, Mood Swings and Terrible TwosMy Profile

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