Zavier’s bad hair cut

At just 23 months old, Zavier officially got the worst hair cut of his life.  When people look at him their immediate reaction is:

  • Shock.  “OMG!” + facial expression of being physically injured, insulted, confused, sympathetic, appalled, etc.
  • Followed by a dumb question.  “Did he get a hair cut?” or “What happened to his hair??”
  • Lastly, who to blame.  “Who did that to him?!?”

My official response:

Yup, he got his haircut. I’m sorry.  {Yes, I have to apologize to people as if I just insulted their mother – it’s that bad.}  Don’t worry, it’ll grow back.  I still think he has a handsome face…Look at that face!  His dad cut his hair.  Yes, Jeffrey did it.  Jeffrey cuts his own hair, so he thought he could cut Zavie’s hair, too.  Turns out, he can’t! {insert awkward laugh}

Here’s evidence of the wrongdoing and the end result:

Zavier BAD Haircut

bad toddler haircut

Zavier bad haircut 2

Some words that might come to mind when describing his haircut would be bowl, Three Stooges, pope, or tribal kid.  So there you have it.  Think what you may, but please keep in mind that he still has a handsome face…and SORRY!



  1. He did not look like he needed a haircut. He is still cute however. lol

  2. Poor little guy 🙁 He’s still cute though and bad hair cuts are jsut part of life 🙂 BTW Happy Sharefest!!!


  1. Zavier 2.0 says:

    […] there’s something new and crusty in its place.  We’re also working on growing out that bad haircut. […]

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