I Don’t Think You’re Ready for This Jelly


Sorry, there’s nothing bootylicious goin’ on in this post…Just some pictures from our recent trip to the Shedd Aquarium where we saw dolphins, penguins, sharks, and oh yes – jellies!

This was part of Jeffrey’s birthday celebration last week where we took off work on Monday and Tuesday just to be together as a family.  One of my favorite thing about Tuesdays is that general admission to museums in Chicago are FREE !  We definitely took advantage and hit up the Shedd Aquarium and the Field Museum.  (Click here for a schedule of free museum days in Chicago in 2013).

I was surprised at how much the kids enjoyed the aquarium.  They had pretty long attention spans for a 3- and 1-year-old.  Perhaps it has something to do with the movie Finding Nemo.  The Field Museum wasn’t as much of a success – probably because they are too young to understand the exhibitions and/or because they were tired by the time we got there.

This was also a fun time for me to get out and practice taking photos…it really tested my ability to shoot in dark places and moving objects.  Umm, yeah.  I still need a lot more practice!  I did get a few good ones of the jellyfish and some up close and personal pics of dolphins and sharks.  Click any thumbnail to activate the gallery.  Enjoy!

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