Where’s Zavier?

My blog, Facebook, Instagram, etc. has featured Arielle these past couple of weeks.  She sings, she dances, she poses for the camera – overall, she’s just a doll!

Where’s Zavier?  He’s around.  He’s here, throwing his cookies into my cup of tea anytime he gets a clear shot.  He’s there, quietly eating his apple jacks…no, wait.  He’s quietly shoving his apple jacks into the vents.  Now he’s over there, chasing Coconut around the house or picking a fight with his sister.  Oh no!  Where is he now?  And WHAT IS THAT SMELL?!  Oh geez, there he is.  He is trying to tell me something.  What’s that?  As points towards his diaper he exclaims, “Poo! Pooooooo!!!!!”

I feel sorry for the little guy.  He takes up 85% of my attention in my day-to-day life, but only gets a 5% mention on my social media feeds.  I don’t want him to fall victim to the second-child curse (where the first born gets albums full of pictures, but the second child only gets a few photos).  That’s not my intent.  It’s just that he is so needy and grumpy all the time, that all his pictures end up looking like this:

zavier tantrum1

Zavier not looking

Zavier crying

In conclusion, Zavier is not very photogenic.

Sorry, buddy.  If you cooperate a bit more and hold back on the tantrums, you might get a little more attention in Mommy’s social media updates.  But I love you anyways, my sweet little curmudgeon.




  1. Omg, this cracked me up so hard!! Arielle is smiling like a perfect angel, while Zavy is not looking or throwing a tantrum! He’s is a funny lil guy-too bad it doesn’t come through in all his pics :p

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