Arielle’s Ballerina Finale

Today was Arielle’s last day of ballet class.  There was no dance recital, just an open viewing session for the parents and grandparents to observe and snap pictures.  Arielle was great at following instructions of her dance teacher, Miss Julie, who managed to hold the attention of a room full of 3-year-olds by relating every move to princesses and fairies.  Brilliant!  Arielle was one of the smaller girls in the class; however, she was probably one of the most outspoken of the bunch.  Often times, Miss Julie would have to stop the class just for a few seconds to address Arielle’s outbursts.

Miss Julie: Okay, girls! Now we’re going to put on our fairy dust, spread our wings, and jump over the rainbow!

Arielle: But I’m afraid of the grumpy old troll!

Other kids chime in: Oh, no! The troll!

Miss Julie: There’s no troll!  He’s sleeping far, far away.  Ok, now let’s jump over the rainbow.  Are you ready?

She wasn’t afraid to be the first in line to try a new move and when it was time for her solo, she didn’t hesitate to shine!  Click on any photo to view the gallery:

Stay tuned for Miss Arielle’s next dance adventure starting in January: Jazz and Pre-Tap!


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