A Visit from the Landscaping Fairy Godmother

Once upon a time, our house – before it was our house –  had a beautiful garden.  It changed owners, then went into foreclosure.   After a year of neglect, it turned into a pile of dirt with weeds and became an over-grown jungle.  We cleaned it up as soon as we moved in, but had to rip out the front bushes so all that was left was a huge pile of dirt.  Our front yard was such an eyesore…

We had a big party planned for my 30th Birthday/Our Housewarming and our front lawn was in distress.  Then, we got a visit from the Landscaping Fairy Godmother (aka my mom)!  With a few hours to spare before the big party began, the Landscaping Fairy Godmother worked her magic and the front garden was transformed into this:

i love mums!

Now, THAT’S what you call curb appeal!

My mom always did beautiful landscaping on all the homes we’ve lived in.  I seriously had no idea on what to get and how to fill up that space.  She just went to Home Depot, picked out holly bushes, hostas, baby pine trees, shrubs and mums (my favorite) and set them where they should be planted.  Then, we hired some gardeners to dig out the ground, plant them and add a coat of red mulch.  The morning of the party, we took Arielle to ballet class and by the time we got home everything was complete.  We didn’t even see the gardeners…so I’m convinced that it happened magically!

I’m so happy with the way it turned out.  It made a huge impact for all the guests since its the first thing they saw when they arrived at the party.  I love my mom…and my mums!  (Sorry, I couldn’t resist hehehe)

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