
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with picture-scaping and I finally have one!  That’s when you hang a bunch of frames that are different sizes, in a random-but-not-so-random pattern on the wall, and the frames can match…or not.  Oh and it looks good if you have matted picture frames, black and white and/or color.  Eek!  No wonder it took me so long to put one up on the wall.  All those decisions for a Libra like me is too much!  I’ve pined over countless Pottery Barn catalogs (oh, they do it best!) and even pinned guide on Pinterest as if there’s really a formula for a successful picture hanging.  Click here.

Turns out, it’s easier to just do it instead of over-thinking it. I just found some cheap black frames and paired them with 3 frames I had from my previous house.  I went for the huge blank wall that separates the kitchen from the dining room.  My mom helped me lay them out on the floor and we played around with different arragements.  Once we decided on the placement of the frames, we hung up the biggest one to use as a reference point.  Then we used that one as a point of reference to hang up the others.  Here’s how it turned out:

I even made my own printables using a chevron background that I got from Design House Digital and editing it on picmonkey.  I learned how to do this by watching a tutorial from one of my favorite blogs, iammommahearmeroar.net click here:


This is the one of the first projects my mom and I tackled as we were trying to prepare for My Big 30 / Our House Warming party.  Weeeeheeeeheeeee!  More to come!

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