I Make My Babies Cry

I get accolades where ever I go with the babies on how sweet and well-behaved they are. They are little angels when I leave them with the babysitter, family members, and even Jeff.


Because when I get home from work, all they want to do is cry. They run to the door and they are really happy to see me, but then they cling to my legs and start to cry before I can take my shoes off or put my bag down. I literally have to peel them off me so I can dart away and change out of my work clothes. Then, they follow me like little crying zombie babies all throughout the house and this carries on all night long until they fall asleep.

Jeff even commented one time, “We were just fine until you came home” and it really had me wondering what’s really wrong with this picture. It’s like they cry because they want to be next to me and they all of a sudden become very needy creatures.  For example:

Is this my punishment for being a working mother? I always considered myself very fortunate to be gainfully employed and able to provide for my family, so when they do this to me, the guilt of being away from them most of the day really sets in. Tonight, when I was trying to feed them dinner, they just wouldn’t let up so I yelled out of frustration, “STOP CRYING!! I had a long day at work, can’t you just show me you’re happy that I’m home?!” and then I realized that they are 3.5 and 1.5-year-old couldn’t possibly understand. They can only show their raw emotion, almost desperation of wanting to be close to me.

I did notice that they aren’t so much like this on the weekends when I’m with them all day. I just started working from home on Fridays, too. Hopefully that will make it better for us. Just gets a little crazy sometimes. You know, with the crying zombie babies. Just crazy. I’m looking forward for this phase to pass.


  1. Grace that photo is hilarious!! You couldn’t have planned it any better!

    • Gracielle says:

      Thanks, Fiss! No planning required. It’s guaranteed that this “photo opp” will present itself at least 10 times a day 😉

  2. Nope! It’s not because you’re a working mother. I’m here to tell you, from a SAHM, my three year old daughter does the same thing and I’m with her all the live long day! It’s just a mix of being tired, frustration, and lack of communication.

    Lets hope it passes for all of us!

    Stopping by from SITS Saturday!


    • Glad it’s not just me. I think I figured it out: they’re HUNGRY by the time I get home! So I tell my husband and my nanny to feed them right before I get home and it seems to help. Thanks for stopping by, Shauna!

  3. Came across this post under your A-Z page. This happens to me too! And my husband says the same thing that they were “fine” until I come home-what is up with that! I do think it is because they haven’t seen us all day and partly because they are hungry. I can’t even load the dishwasher without my kiddo throwing a megablock in there and being literally right next to me when I cook-ha! How do you work from home though with them there? I would love to do that but I wonder how much work I can get done. That’s pretty cool that you can do that.
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    • When I work from home, it’s actually not so bad. I feed them breakfast before my work day begins, then put on a movie or TV show. I work nearby in the kitchen or in the playroom so I can keep an eye on them. Then I take a break to have lunch with them, and after that it is nap time. I can work for 2 hours, uninterrupted! When they wake up, I take a little break to give them a snack. That last 2 hour stretch of the day is tough, especially since it is winter now (before I would let them play outside in the afternoon while I worked from the patio), but we somehow manage to make it through!


  1. […] 6:00 pm – I’m home.  I make my grand entrance and the babies and Coconut greet me with hugs and kisses.  Then they cry. Why?! Every time I come home, all they do is cry.  […]

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