Hey Blog! Don’t Leave Me!

I’ve been MIA for a year.  I don’t even check my blog because it saddens me that I don’t make time for myself to write.  By the rare chance that I do decide to peek at my previous posts, I’m throughly entertained by my writing and all the memories I’ve been able to document about my growing children.  Today was one of those days where I dared to venture to my old blogging site.  I wanted to pull up an old post of me wearing a stick-on mustache just so I could prove to my kids that I look exactly like my dad.  But then I got a 500 error and my heart just sunk to the floor.

I was devastated to find out that my neglected blog was no longer active.  I put my tech hat on and logged into the source files and found that one of my plug-ins were corrupting the site. Thanks to my mad skills, Mommy A-Z was up and running in less than 30 minutes.  I can’t even tell you how relieved I was that my blog didn’t abandon me.

Working full-time, raising three kids, and my occasional binge watching runs does not give me leisure time to sit and write.  I have an endless supply of content from our Disney adventures, updates to our home, and all the silly things the kids say and do everyday.

I also lost the desire to be a paid influencer. I love writing, but I hated the work that went into blog parties, sharing and promoting content, etc.  It’s just not for me and at the end of the day, blogging is not going to be a viable source of additional income for me.

If there’s one thing that almost losing my blog taught me, it’s that it’s here to help me document my life.  It’s a place for me to stop and reflect on how much I love being a mother.  I’m in a constant state of being overwhelmed but taking a moment to stop and write helps me decompress and fully realize how wonderful my life is.

So I suppose I will periodically check my blog. Maybe I’ll post. Maybe I won’t.

By the way, here is the post that I was searching for that I wanted to show the kids.  Look at that resemblance to my father! He is indeed a handsome fella.

gracielle dad stache



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