How to Pronounce Gracielle



Pronounced “GRAY-shull.”

Rhymes with “facial.”

But you can call me “Grace.”

I hate my name.  It is spelled one way, but pronounced another.  It’s so complicated that people had to start calling me “Grace” when I was in the 3rd grade.  I thought it was only a temporary name and that once people get to know me, they would eventually call me by my real name.  Turns out, only .0005% of the people I meet really take the time to get to know me so the world pretty much knows me as “Grace.”

I did a little research on my name and here’s some depressing, yet not surprising news:

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Gracielle hasn’t been listed in the top 1000 names since, umm…NEVER.

I hit rock bottom with my name when I was listening to a morning radio show about a year ago.  They were talking about a new spa treatment for women for their private parts and they called it a “vajacial.” I nearly drove off the side of the road because I thought they said my name on the live radio in reference to the vagina-facial.  Fortunately, that service has not taken off enough for the general public to associate my name with vaginal rejuvenation spa treatments.

Now that I’m 30, I think it’s time to reclaim my original name but do it the right way with the correct pronunciation.  Jeff says it’s a little too late for me to do a name change, but 30 is not too late for anything.  Plus, I meet new people all the time so going forward, I can introduce myself with my new name.  But don’t worry, everyone who already knows me can be grandfathered in and call me by whatever they’ve been calling me.  I won’t take offense to that!

I made Jeffrey practice with me:

Me: Ask me what my name is.

Jeff: What?

Me: C’mon. Say, “Hi, what’s your name?”

Jeff: (eyeball roll) Hi. What’s your name?

Me: My name is Gracie-elle. Grah-ceil.

Jeff: ?

Me: Gray.C.L.

I’m working on it.  Just be patient with me as I figure out the pronunciation of the name that I will go by for the last two-thirds of my life.  It has to flow and sound like I mean it – no hesitation.  In the meantime, I’ll just use this as my name:


xo // gracielle.



  1. How frustrating! I didn’t know you went by Grace, but I assumed your name was pronounced Gracie elle. When I learn how to pronounce someone’s name that I think I might forget, I usually write it like you did in my contact notes so I get it right the next time.
    Michelle recently posted…Back to School RULES {Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party}My Profile

  2. Ha! We had this discussion when we met for the first time on SITS Sharefest. I love your new pronunciation, although Inigo Montoya is a pretty awesome name too. But you’re much prettier than he is 🙂
    Dana recently posted…Let’s play a game – two truths and one lieMy Profile

  3. Good luck on your campaign! You might be surprised by all the people (including me and Michelle) who assumed your name was supposed to be pronounced Gracie elle. Now you just need to get used to it!
    Mo at Mocadeaux recently posted…Words of WisdomMy Profile

  4. Wow, good luck! ‘Fixing’ your name sounds challenging. I thought your name was pronounced Gracie-ELLE, too! Unique names are my favorite, but then again I’ve never experienced people not being able to pronounce my first name (unless we’re talking about my Germany maiden name!). (P.S. I love your kids’ names!)
    Christy@SweetandSavoring recently posted…Local and Delicious: An Interview with Banana Moon Baking CompanyMy Profile

  5. Ha Ha! I always hated my name when I was little because it sounded too much like a boy’s name. (Shauna)

    Now, I really don’t care. I made up for it by giving my kids good names.
    Shauna @ Momma Candy recently posted…Co-hosting the Aloha Friday Blog Hop! Link up!My Profile

  6. Too funny. (And I definitely wasn’t pronouncing yours right in my head.) Our last name is always mispronounced, and my maiden name was too. The funniest was my little brother – he worked somewhere for 2 years where they mispronounced his last name and he never wanted to tell them. One day my mom called and asked for him, pronouncing his name correctly, and they laughed and told him some lady on the phone pronounced his name wrong 🙂 He NEVER told them! But he started off right at the next job.
    Katie E recently posted…My 9 Year Old Is AmazingMy Profile

  7. Your name is beautiful!! Mine was the most popular in my birth year :/
    Amy @ Wildflower Ramblings recently posted…live for what matters. step away from the internet.My Profile

  8. Yeah. I feel your pain. My name is a Jewish male name that not spelled like Jewish males spell it. It is also not spelled how it sounds. I toy with the idea of changing the spelling to Herchelle but it’s too long.
    Herchel S recently posted…Stop! This is a peanut free zone.My Profile

    • Thanks for clarifying! So far, I’ve been pronouncing it kinda like “Hershey” but instead ending with an “L”. I vote that you change it Herchelle, you know, because my name ends with “elle,” too. Then we can take over the world! 🙂

  9. Gracielle Acencio says:

    Hello, my name is Gracielle too, my name is not very common here in Brazil, but here is pronounced more like Gracie-elie …. and the worst is that there are names here as Graziele, Graciane … in short, everyone calls me Grace !

    • Thanks so much for stopping by, Gracielle! I would love to hear how our name is pronounced in Brazil with the Portuguese accent! I bet it sounds lovely and I wouldn’t mind it so much. As much as I tried to get people to call me “Gracielle” – “Grace” has worked well for me so far so I guess I’ll stick to it!


  1. […] exactly as they should be pronounced.  That was intentional because people eff up my name “Gracielle” all the time.  Turns out, people eff up their names regardless of how it’s spelled […]

  2. […] met on twitter. I actually remember something! She was explaining how to pronounce her name (like GRAY-shull), which I take very seriously, and I became a loyal reader after that. Make sure […]

  3. […] What people call me is my silly litmus test on how much a person knows me on a personal level.  My professional colleagues and acquaintances call me Grace – it’s my generic name. LOL My family and close friends call me Gracielle.  My blog is my personal space where I write about my life, my family, my kids.  So to anyone who has taken the time to stop by and read about my personal journey, especially my blogger friends – please, call me Gracielle.  For pronunciation, click here. […]

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